If the first sentence of this post is any indication, it would appear that D4 is the only thing Diablo after D:I coming down the pipe.
I like it. But they lost most part of d2 footage, tileset creations etc. So a remaster itās far away. So there are 2 alternatives:
1 - Make a new game and improve where d2 needs too
a - double the walking bar
b - create an inventory copy dedicated to charms
c - a new act with new belts which carry 5-6-7-8-9-10 line of potions #nowadays we fill all inv with potions this is not nice).
d - Some nice endgame activities - example: charms upgrade (after you collect 10 charms equal you upgrade all of them for one other charm with differents effects, example +1 to all skills charms could to evolve to +2 to all skills charm etc).
e - Allow to boost mercenary aura so make it into skills in the very endgame moment where we can to improve them.
2 - Make a remaster with some improvements.
I would vote for option one. I would love to play it on pc and on nintendo switch.