I hope it is a D2 Reimagined rather than D2 Remastered.
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Are you prepared to do 1,000,000 baal runs with bots!? Behold! D2 REMASTERED! Real money websites to buy items you will never find yourself because the drop rates were insanely low and if you weren’t a hammerdin, you couldn’t even farm hell mode!!!
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We took the core of Diablo 2 and reimagined some of the technical and gameplay mechanics.
1.) More Stash Space
2.) Shared Stash
3.) Better balance throughout the classes
4.) Better balance in hell mode
5.) Reworked XP system so baal runs isn’t a thing but rather a choice.
6.) TONS more items inspired by user mods
7.) More things to do in “end game”
Honestly guys, Diablo 2 was a great game. User mods made it better. Not just median XL, there were so many mods I spent 500+ hours playing because it made the game better. I would much rather some reimagining to the base game than just a graphics overhaul and thats it.
just a hint: also my jaca, my 2 necros and my barb were able to farm hell. if you could not you did.something wrong.
ok, but to be honest i definitely see.your point. i would not play the game if its d2 in hd simply because i hate baalruns. your suggestions are very welcome.
i’d even prefer to make d3 better, there is so much potential in it. just as you said: mods of the comm (are usually better than blizz is able to do)
Whew, I see you’re in the business of subtlety lying and over exaggerating.
I really don’t need to provide you with D2 builds that can clear Hell mode do I?
Or can we both accept the fact you’re gaslighting over a video game.
ON the note of drop rates, good! I like value on my items for open trading
Not possible and it would completely dumb the game down. Boring!
The characters are beautifully balanced for game play. They are not balanced for pvp and Blizzard will never do anything to benefit the pvp community.
Experience system works fine, the problem is most D2 players can only build a character capable of jumping into Baal bot portals. They fail at making end game characters and so have no idea there are many other places to gain end game experience. Not to mention Throne is crap for drops.
I bet you’ve never self found nor used half the amazing items available in D2. You probably bought your crap off jsp.
There are more things to do than you likely know of, and of those things you likely can’t do any of them without making a cookie cutter build geared with items bought off botters on jsp.
Blizzard will never dumb down D2 to the way you need it in order to pretend you’re good at the game. They are remastering it first and foremost for the players who show up every ladder reset, which numbers in the 100s of 1000s. Anyone else who buys it is gravy.
If they do Diablo 2 anything, I want them to stay it back in version 1.04-1.07 back when you could find the good rares and rares were the best one in the game. Unique/legendary items are a bit of a joke as were runewords. They made everyone so cookie cutter and bland. Let’s bring it back to the “classic” days and reboot this game properly.
The only reason everyone has those elite cookie cutter builds is because botters farm the gear and then sell them on jsp. About 3 years ago when Blizzard finally got rid of the spam bots in D2 it took about 3 months into the ladder for the hackers to figure out how to get their bots running, up till then, pretty much no one but my self and about 30 others was clvl 90 or higher on hc ladder, nor had anyone elite rune words. The majority of the D2 player base is garbage without jsp botters supplying them with their gear and their Throne portals to leech experience.
Same as yours and every other person that played D2 a lot back then - D2 as a remaster in 2020 will be an EPIC FAIL.
I think that while your suggestions for a remake would improve D2 a lot, they ALONE won’t make it a top 3 aRPG game in 2020 and its player base will decline fast as long as:
Trading exists
The crafting system isn’t improved
People need to re-create game to initiate a new “run”
There are no alternatives to PoE’s maps and D3’s Rifts