sharing my build on hardcore crucader. I had time to play season 33 around 3 weeks and got this kind of build::
roland: feet, torso, hands, shoulder, head.
akkhan: neck, legs.
guardians jeopardy: waist, wrist.
norvalrds fervor: main hand, offhand
legendary gems: bane of powerfull, esoteric alteration, mmirinae.
passives: indestructible, holy cause, finery, heavenly strength.
kanai’s cube: denial, vigilante belt, ring of royal grandeur, golden fence.
main skills:
main attack == punish:retaliate
secondary attack == sweep attack:inspiring sweep
steed charge:nightmare
laws of justice:decaying strength
fist of heavens:retribution
I managed to get tier 100 but couldnt beat the boss in time. any suggestions on getting little more dps? theres this shield that gives 10% damage while wearing two-hander, trying to get that on primal or ancient