Just wondering - my Crusader is the first HC character I’ve gotten to the proper ‘endgame’, enough to provide Hellfire Rings and a Gem of Ease for future level 1 characters. I’ve been running with two ‘cheat death’ skills for a long time, but have yet to have any of them activate - even when I’ve made mistakes, I haven’t seen my health drop below half at any point.
It HAS been a while since I last played HC, so I suppose the game may just have gotten easier in general, but… is Crusaders just ‘safer’, what with their high tankiness and defense-buffing effects, or is there another class that might beat them to the title? Can’t think of what it might be, though, honestly…
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When it comes to survival, it mostly comes with gear enchantments and skills. Can’t go wrong with Life Regeneration because you can AFK sometimes. Still prefer the Barbarian’s Thorns build when it comes to survival though.
All classes can use Esoteric Alteration and Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard gems. There’s also amulets that provides immunity to specific elements.
When it comes to the Barbarian, they have a bunch of skills to keep themselves alive:
- Nerves of Steel
- Relentless
- Superstition
- Tough as Nails
For a limited time:
- War Cry
- Inspiring Presence
- Wrath of the Berserker (Striding Giant)
- Pound of Flesh
There’s also gloves and bracers to increase duration of pylon/shrine buffs. The Follower can also be equipped and emanate certain items which is a recently added bonus.
I see your point, but if you’re saying that a Thorns-based build is best for survival since it’ll allow you to fight through enemies even while AFK (or, more likely, after being DC’d), wouldn’t the Crusader STILL reign supreme thanks to the Thorns of the Invoker set?
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Belt of the Trove does work with Bombardment to use Set Bonus. That’s only 50% damage reduction. That doesn’t really do anything to sustain life, but Toughness. You need Health Recovery.
Thorn sader is by far the most safest HC hero.
They use Templar who has best follower cheat death.
then have Prophet cheat death spaming every 20 secs.
then normal passive cheat death.
Belt of trove raining down on any mob in range every 4secs.
Often still safe even after a crash that happens more and more these days.
That sounds about right… heh. I really need to get the TotI set together already! I’ve got all the Legendaries I’d need to make it work, so if I can just get the rest of the set, then… Ready Perfectly!