Crusader overall gameplay

Crusader in the PTR is all messed up…!

  1. Fist of the Heavens doesn’t activate properly, as i have to press it multiple times.
  2. Resistances, blocks, and overall defence of the player doesn’t function properly which results for the character to fall way too easy in full set build…!
  3. It seems that the stonefist abilities in the Kanai’s cube are lagging which makes the character not to respond and been unable to use other skills as well.
  4. The cooldown times are not working as i have cooldowns applied in all the items and still takes ages to reload skills…
  5. This may not have to do with the crusader, but you have made the Which Doctor character completely invincible, which makes a very unbalanced game between the characters…!

Thank you!!

The PTR this round is terribly laggy, which could explain most if not all of your issues. The PTR servers are only in 1 location, Southern California USA. I’m 4ish hours north of them and the lag has made the game near unplayable.