Crusader blessed shield build... or another Wizard

Trying to decide what to create for a new character in season lol.
Not sure if I want to cheese a wizard hydra since I have everything for it, or try and get a blessed shield crusader build as I did that in Season 31 and it was FUN.
Or maybe potentially just play beyblade with a barb…
decisions decisions.

Just do it!

Crusader, Wiz and then Barb!

You already have a wizard. No reason to make a new one, just use the wardrobe to quickly change between builds.

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Folks seem to forget that this is a perfectly valid criteria for choosing a class / build.
If you play what gives you joy who cares where it is on the leaderboards?


Definitely the hydra wizard!

(from someone that plays that every season :stuck_out_tongue:)

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choose the build you enjoyed the most.
This is a game, you play it for fun.

EDIT: What Meteorblade said. :wink: :smiley:

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It’s fun you should do that.

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That’s my problem though, ALL 3 are fun to me.
(I’ve never once cared about leaderboards or anything)

hence my dilemma.

So, play them all. You can also play on the other Regions.
I’m playing all 3 Regions on two accounts. Different classes on each.
So far, only NA and EU. Plenty of time to do Asia.
I also don’t care about the Leaderboards. I’m doing it for the funky Guardian Pet.

You can always ignore all three of them and play something else. If you like having fun, perhaps try to play something that is not fun for you then complain in forums non-stop. People have been doing it for years.
No but seriously, if you want to try something else I can suggest a SWK LTK Monk. It’s hard to gear up, but honestly satisfying. If you are interested, I think I can show a few things on it. Guides on it are somewhat obscure now.

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yea, season 33 …

i made a necro, cruzader wizard and barb… got alot of success with necro and cruzader, and no too much foucos on wiz, just made a 135solo gr and stoped playing with her, but with necro and cruzader i did 150 and 145 solo.

i do care about leader boards even wih that lot of bots, doing 10000-15000 rifts in less than 25 days under blizzards nose.

tbf the game is no longer under any actual development, they probably just don’t care enough to do anything.

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to be even fairer, they didn’t care terribly much when the game was under active development.