Cross progression starts to show its issue

Welcome to 2021 then were almost every game is brought out for every plateform. In the end it is still blizzard who will decide what will hurt the pc version and what not.

That is what I mean by issues of cross progression. If there is no such thing, nobody in console will care what PC has and vice versa.

We break free of the bondage.

And risk losing the people that made them what they are. It wouldn’t surprise me though, this is not Blizzard from 10 years ago.

That happened already years ago lol. A lot of people were gone with diablo 3, but also new people came. But yea most of the old developers and designers are not there anymore.

Due to consoles having a clunkier setup, and far less of a player base than PC, I honestly don’t think this will be a big deal.

Console players are going to be nowhere near the top of the ladder, it isn’t going to be competitive.

Having a different leaderboard for each console is clunky, and impossible to implement without getting rid of cross progression completely.

Most players that buy on console are likely to buy in pc as well, they’re unlikely to be console-only, this would wreck the experience for many.

I don’t think most console players care about being first to 99, or they’d play on pc.

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Console is a super big market.

I just googled, mobile is 45% of gaming market, console is 30%, PC is 25%.

PC had more simply because PC came out first.

Diablo IV will build console together with PC from the root and you know the market reason.

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Console will be dwarfed by PC.
I bet I will have to run my own games nearly 100 percent of the time in console, but there will always be public games open for just about every content on PC.

I bet Tristram runs will be constant on PC, and not on switch.

Same as tombs, quests, etc.

If you had your way I’d have to make a new char just to play on switch, then a different char on PC. That would suck.

same people posting on every thread we really lack new blood… I am starting to wonder why… (not really) heheheh! I really have no hope for the future

In old players I think so. For new players, it will be 50%/50%.

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Because this forum is filled fanatic old Diablo fans. I am one of these but I want to speak differently.

I am willing to speak 99% trash and have 1% revolutionary than speaking what other people have said again and again.

It really shows the lack of hype or excitement for this game! Gee i wonder what the forums would look like if they confirmed instanced / personal loot , charm inventory and all sorts of other QOL… I bet we would have a TON OF people posting LIKE A TON! We would have new threads popping up every second. People praising blizzard for giving them the game they always wanted!!! different threads and much more positivity!

instead we have the same threads by the same people screaming over the same things proving that D2 does not really have a great following it has a few thousand players who have stuck around for 20 years and want to keep the game a ghost town! All because warcraft 3 a RTS which according to my wife looks like a phone game… So a botched remake of a game/genre that is lost to time at least POE and other ARPGs are coming out RTS nope dead and gone. Blizzard got scared and went with WILL JUST RECREATE AN OLD GAME WITH NEW GRAPHICS AND NOTHING ELSE… Where did that get them… an empty forum with a few purist screaming bloody murder on how amazing there game is… you know the game has less then a few thousand players + a billion bots… Gee look at all the hype and buzzzzz its created… oh wait it didnt

I dunno, I’ve read dozens of d2r news articles, it seems pretty hyped to me.

A lot more hype than tony hawk or any of the other recent remasters, and those were smashing successes.

Don’t know why everyone is creating a stink about “fairness” between PC and Console. Diablo 2 ladder is hardly competitive, at all, regardless what you might want to think. It is a very simple rise to level 99, that’s it. Nobody ever fought to get to 99 first, even before the advent of botting ruining the idea of racing to 99.

Uhh, this is simply not true. It was definitely done in pre-LoD, 1.09 Classic, and is still competitive in LoD HC. The real players just don’t count the bots.

@ Ionz22 - The silent majority speak the loudest, my friend. Your assumption that this game is underwhelmingly supported is pure hyperbole and baseless.

What I mean by the silent majority is there are far more people that support this game without coming to the forums - be it because they haven’t pre-purchased the game yet or they simply choose to not take part in the forums or reddit for that matter.

You should really learn to speak for yourself and nobody but yourself because you’re in actuality a very small minority of the people that are unhappy about the game amongst the many that are perfectly happy with it.


I guess the question is how many people will this affect? If it isn’t a substantial number, who will really care? For Blizzard to care, it has to be a substantial number. My best guess is a) it is not substantial, and b) Blizzard does not think it will be either. You have to assume that the majority of the people buying the game on any platform are not looking at speedy ladder progression as the make or break for the game. Most people will play it 40-60 hours, marvel at the awesome graphics, and be done.

Will there be some competitive console players who may not be able to compete at the PC level? Perhaps. But I don’t think it is enough to raise a fuss over.

Edit: I should add, that it isn’t just a question of X people who will not buy it on console because progression is important to them (as someone else mentioned, they may just play PC then), but how many people would not buy it simply to cross-progress casually? That’s the real potatoes there. I own a PC and a PS4. I’ve seen those graphics on my 70", and Daddy like. And I will never be confused with anything competitive in D2 :wink:

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It doesn’t have to be “fair”. It’s still the best way to handle it.

Same for me, play on pc mostly but laying on the couch with the switch will be amazing for d2.

Diablo 1 on psp is actually pretty good so I’ll be ready for it!


Use M&K then?

They won’t remove cross progression because of this :woman_shrugging: