Crazy wd nerf! Don't kill him please!

That nerf on wd is completely useless! It will be terribly weak and there will be no way to stand up to the other characters in the leaderboard. We’ve got a big nerf on wd spirit barrage once before. Let them balance the other sets rather than rif mundunugu !!!

This nerf, if created, will wd completely destroy! :frowning:


Balance other class up to overpowered WD level?

Nah, just nerf WD back down to earth with all the other Trash killers. Let other TK have a chance to play in groups instead of WD being number 1 by fast again.

The power level is already broken in this game. There should be no 150 clears at all. What we need is balance between classes and OP classes to be nerfed back down to equilibrium.

5 minute GR 150 clears and zero diversity in group metas or builds is what happens when you get never nerfers screaming for several years.


ur pretty clueless with this my dude, poe is in that other way ---->
this is diablo 3 and we like doing 150’s

in non season the only dudes that can afford to carry a 150 in 5 mins are 10k paras dudes (and no even with wd, they carry with necros btw) , thats double ur paragons, (zdps can be lower paragons) and in this season is pretty usual having higher ranks because 4th cube slots weighs more than alot of paragon

yeah, actually both nerfs are sad, why nerf 2 decent sets and no buff the other useless sets with not enough dmg? that has no sense

What are you even talking about? The WD doesn’t out perform ANY other class as it is…


Today, 6 of my teammates told me that if they don’t hit wd like that, then they end up playing diablo 3 completely. And 150 gr doesn’t just kill it. Almost no one goes with him, because it is almost impossible and puts 7000 paragon 140 gr on the solo !!! So why the nerf? :frowning:

And necromancer bone spear or crusader bombardment can over 145 gr? I don’t understand this wd nerf !!! That set will be completely useless then.

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For me as a low paragon player, this kills it completely. I’m around 1200 - you know the slow solo progression. I don’t care about the leaderboards. I mainly progress by getting some (mostly bad) loot. I only play rifts and grifts. Bounties are simply boring.

Why in the world would you take out the fun of the only WD set that is not utterly crap?

Darts? Happy glass cannon, unplayable with low paragon.
Jade? Holy, the gameplay is just annoying. Hello rift guardian.
Bears? Stepbrother, I’m stuck in the washing machine.
Gargs? Played that for years. But god damn, they need a navigation device.

Mundu is the only set where you can make some progression as low paragon player. The last nerv hit hard. This nerv will hit hard. I simply don’t see the point. Even when nerving this set to bring it down to the other sets, not many people will use them. They are simply not the same fun to play - at least, not for me.


This nerf is terrible the WD will be burried and dead …


Plus adding the new Blackthorns pants changes, removes any incentive to ever even create a WD at all.

Looks like the WD has been canceled. :upside_down_face: :grimacing:


This is a fairly epic level of angst. They’re shaving a few grift levels off the top end which is what every other outperforming build has suffered. It may be a bit heavy handed but it’s easily fixed by boosting to 150% damage bonus of spirit barrage slightly.

But the WD is not outperforming anyone.

That is both debatable and a debate that doesn’t interest me.

My video ptr wd - 125 - :frowning: - Diablo III wd 125 GR 14:28 NOOOOO!!! (PTR patch 2.7.0.season 23) - YouTube

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Lets hope they buff other WD sets. Its no coincidence that 2 version spirit barrage went obsolete. HA with Vela causes heavy calculations especially with missle dampening, so are spirit barrage full accumulation ticks. Look at what replace LoN SB - SP although AD but immediate explosive build that reign for 2 years. We may understand its server issues are the reason, but they need to give both classes viable builds that fits server conditions.

100% agree… This is a terrible nerf and is killing the Mundunugo set…

You have NO idea what you are talking about… WD is the 2nd weakest class BEFORE the nerfs… see below

Adding the Americas realm stats (CLEARLY without question, WD is not overpowered)

These are the same stats for American realm:
barb - 120
crusader - 121
dh - 127
monk - 116
necro - 136
wd - 117
wizard - 124

number of GR150 clears
wd: 0 none
necro: 129