Just submitted the following crash report when loading a saved game.
Report ID: 4E87C805-B808-433D-85A5-D31026A5552D
Troubleshooting steps so far:
Scan and Repair: No issues found
Uninstalled and reinstalled program
Launch game from Battle.net
Loaded save game
Crashes during loading
Character loading is the Sorceress not sure if it is anything but the blz-log saying something about barbarian
8/14 10:52:35.612 [EntityContainer/4] [<>:0]: EntityContainer: Component type FootprintComponent invalid! Dropping component from entity entity_root in data/hd/character/player/barbarian.json
Update 5pm [et]:
Just tried something and it worked. I created a new character [same class] but didn’t load that new character but loaded the old save game and that worked. Might be a band-aid fix until a permanent fix is found.