Cow level entries


I’ve been wondering about the Cow Level since i heard about the “remaster”.

Will it remain a onetime portal per difficulty if you accidently kill the cow king, or will it be changed so we can enter infinite times even if we will kill the king?

that was of the most heated debate in this forum (along with ploot , char inventory , tcp/ip, amazon’s face…)

and overall well…no answer sadly , all we can say is “wait and see” until the game release i guess :confused:

Figured as much. I couldnt find any posts regarding it, hence why i made a post about.

Thanks anyway!

ah , those are older than the current topics that’s why.
it had been buried because there is a new topic every minute now since beta release.

and so on.
also another topic was “make the cow give as much exp as they did in a previous update to make it another farm spot to replace baal from time to time” (a little summary of it)

as for the cow itself , well some purist called it “divine” and that we should be punished if we were to kill it (or someone else did)
while many other say that cows should still be openeable.

My personal take on it , well i would prefer to still be able to open it (i rarely killed it since i mostly went lightning with sorc ) but i also wouldn’t mind a middle ground : still be able to open cow , but the cow king wouldn’t be able to drop thing anymore if you were to kill it a second time (but all other cows wouldn’t change and the portal would still be doable)