Corndogs! Corndogs! Get 'em while they're hot!

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Grabbing Popcorn and hitting F5 on the Forums. Thats the TRUE ENDGAME

How can you people even stomach a non-kosher or all-beef hotdog???

Now a kosher beef corndog…I’m in.

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Doesn’t the batter contain milk? Then it would no longer be Kosher. :slight_smile:

Thanks for this, now for some reason I have an urge to go to a carnival and eat a corndog loaded with mustard!

As long as you don’t put ketchup on it! That’s a felony in 37 states.


Bad idea, in this day and age, in any space in which the topic of discussion isn’t clearly defined and enforced, the probability of someone bringing up Trump or social justice and causing a several hundred post sh-tstorm approaches 1.
…actually scratch that, in any online discourse the probability of someone bringing up Trump or social justice and causing a several hundred post sh-tstorm approaches 1.
We’ll call it Orange’s Law.

I was referring specifically to the hot dog part :slight_smile:

Hebrew National…Vienna Beef (not kosher I don’t think - but all beef)

But, there are numerous recipes for the batter using seltzer or even almond milk to replace any dairy, thereby making it Kashrut if made at home…

Not that I keep Kosher…but the idea of eating a generic hot dog is just… :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

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Wouldn’t that apply just to the making of the hot dog itself? Like those gawd - awful hot dogs with cheese bits in them (whoever came up with that abomination of an idea needs to have their azz whoopped)?
Could always make a nice beer batter instead?

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And a misdemeanor in the other 34!

Ummm…the name screams “kosher.”

" Hebrew National is a brand of kosher hot dogs and other sausages made by ConAgra Foods."

37 + 34 = 71

So, when did the USA gain an extra 21 states?

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They must have admitted them when I wasn’t paying attention.

^^ Can’t get anything past you guys! :slight_smile:

Never had any since its not really a thing from where I’m from + on top of that I rarely eat ‘junk/fast’ food. :slightly_smiling_face: