Cooldown not getting reduced WD


i am playing WD and using spirit barrage. I have obsidian ring of the zodiac equipped. When i cast spirit barrage cooldowns get reduced. Works as intended i think.

But when i use the rune phantasm the cooldown reduction doesnt get triggered.

I dont understand the missing cooldown reduction.

  • still using mana on casting
  • still hitting enemies

Therefore the text for the ring is wrong (bug) or its a bug on the trigger.


The spell summons a spectre.

The spirit barrages casted by spectre don’t cost you any mana.

It is very clear to me that it won’t proc zodiac.

Similar example, SinSeeker quiver removes the channelling cost of RapidFire. Even it needs hatred to cast RF, but it won’t proc Taeguk anymore.

The rune will affect the behavior of a skill.

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By spectre you refer to the phantasm?

So is my attack the phantasm or the spectre?
Or does the phantasm summon the spectre?
And is this a unit, i spawn, that can be buffed then?

This is the Bug Report Forum.

You should probably start a separate thread in the Witch Doctor Forum. I’m sure skilled, experienced WD players would be happy to answer all your questions.

This is clearly a bug. Even the english skill text is confusing. I try the Path of Exile forum then ty.

No, it’s not.

Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

Reduce the remaining cooldown of one of your skills by 1 second when you hit with a resource-spending attack.

If you cast Spirit Barrage, you are hitting with a resource spending attack, so the ORotZ procs.

If you cast Spirit Barrage runed with Phantasm (or Manitou) your spectres are hitting the enemies, not you, so the ORotZ does not proc.

The ring procs from things you do, not things your pets / summons do.

Ok the spell summons something else and so it doesnt proc zodiac.

When i use acid cloud with lob blob bomb it spawns the blob. if i use this spell onto nothing, it spawns the blob. When the blob touches an enemy it proc the zodiac. Why does that proc as it is a summon/pet or whatever?

So this must then be clearly a bug in the game, isnt it?

Because the blob is what you summoned with your cast, and it then hits an enemy, thus proccing the zodiac ring.

The blob does not in turn summon something else that then hits the enemy.

The spectre summoned by phantasm is autonomously performing additional summoning attacks once it is summoned. You are not performing those attacks, therefore they do not proc the ring.

Not. A. Bug.

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the blob attacks indirectly through an aura, which triggers the ring. And as the Blizzard employees have already made clear, indirect actions such as summoned units shouldn’t proc the zodiac. But they do. Except the phantasms.