"Convert Set Item" Bug

Twice now, I’ve tried to convert “Gears of Deadlands” helmet into the same set item, and both times they’ve converted to Unhallowed Set items. The first was pants, the second was a helm. What the heck? I converted other set items to see if it was a general change to this recipe, and each time those items converted to the SAME set. Only the GoD helm seems to have this bug.

Just tested it and it works fine for me. Can you record a clip showing it bugging out?

I’ve never ran into this issue myself, despite using that recipe countless times. I do recall reading the odd report of this happening, but it just seems to be a random glitch and not tied to any particular set.

Same here. I have never seen it, but have seen a few random reports.

It would be really nice to see it in action, especially if he is able to reproduce it as he states.