Console and Online Only

I’ll stay back in the previous stage, thank you. I read about the whole stadia streaming service and it’s not something I want to go with for me. It sounds like a feasible option for some people out there, I’m sure. But it becoming the de facto way to play games? I have my doubts.

You’ll always have people that prefer building their own rigs and being in control of what parts are inside. You’ll always have people that will prefer offline games to online. I can see game streaming becoming a viable alternative, but not taking over the scene.

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Guess you in turn missed the “Do a little research before you assume you know what you’re talking about.” But it’s okay, as you seem tired from working so hard at being oblivious and picking fights where there aren’t any.

I doubt it. Mobile devices aren’t powerful enough, and they have a very definitive size threshold. People won’t want to give up their hardware and their TVs. Even in the case of streaming, things like Stadia have mostly advertised through the use of your TV, rather than through a laptop or phone or tablet.

And, again, currently they don’t live up to their advertisements. Stadia was purported to get smooth 60fps gameplay, but it was barely ever able to achieve that continuously even on the best connection and hardware and playing only moderately intensive games - never mind some guy’s old Chromebook.

Console with PC?

Do they not operate on different servers?

And how is online only a method to improve user experience?

Just watch. Its already happening. PC gamers are already the minority. Just like people that said they would never rent a game. Then we have things like WOW.

Every company sees it. Thats why they are coming out with their own services.

Why would I research something as stupid as a commerical when I look at code and use my own experince?

Also picking a fight, that would be you as your the one that replied to a statement.

Please most peoples phones are far more powerful then their average computer. Hell my currant phone has 12gb of ram. Mind you that doesnt even come close to the system I use. My currant rig has 128gb of ram.

You dont pay attention much do you. Stadia is marketed to the mobile gamer. India even just had a mobile based pubg tournament. Only open to mobile devices. It did well. OR how about the fact that mobile gaming got soo bad they even now have rules on how often their children can game of even how much they spend on games.

I had no issues with my unit. I got pretty close to 60fps.

You dont seem to know alot about what is going on in the world. You do know the majority off PC of any kind sold last year were chrome books right?

But if that triggers you then just wait. You will be even more so when blizzard makes their announcement.
But I get it. Many refuse to give up the ways of the old but thats ok. Time weeds them out. The ones that refuse will die off and be replaced by those that dont know any other way.

Online play on a console requires montly subscription.
Basically, making the game online-only there vastly limits the game’s target audience. That’s why they don’t do it.

It isn’t even the power that is the problem for mobile phones - that will likely change over time (as long as someone manages to overcome the limits of downscaling transistors).
Mobiles problem is the horrible controls. They simply cant support any substantial amount of game types imo.
Screen size is certainly another issue too.

Stationary consoles and PCs aren’t going anywhere in the foreseeable future (10 years at least).
The hardware might get smaller and smaller (though it is doubtful in that timeframe too), but people will still want to connect the devices to their large TVs etc.

The problem is latency. Not fps. Well, it is also fps in combination with resolution of course - not much use to get 60 fps if its at a low resolution. 60 fps is pretty low on PC in any case.

60 was expected when streaming 1080. But then again I have a 1gbs up and down connection. The latency will be fixed with googles new code that will be able to predict what you are gonna do next and then do it with better timing. Making regular PC users at disadvantage.

I personally dont care as I have zero stake in it. Im a gamer. Which means I dont care about the platform. I can play any and every game that comes out without issues.

FPS is not an issue for my PC. It runs everything and anything at the highest settings possible. But then I spare no expense on my toys.

As for connecting to their large Tvs, only noobs do that these days. You would need to be across the a 20 foot room just to be able to make use of the whole thing on an average screen these days. (my brother has this issue.) But as he only plays games once in a while its not bad.

As for the controls. That is easily taken care of as most devices unless your a pleeb that uses an iphone. Then your device comes ready with full controller or mouse and keyboard support.

You clearly have not paid attention to the tournaments that are for mobile only like the recent PubG one.

Is that real? That sounds so much worse than latency.
I think I have to adjust my 10+ year estimate to 20+ years before they manage to make something useful

1080p/60fps is really really low these days.

Sure, but at that point you are turning the phone into a worse PC. In which case the PC is not exactly going away,

Not really no.

Yes its real. Do you even code? Or even follow developers?

Not when it comes to streaming its not.1080/60 will be the average most play at.

You do know most peoples phones are more powerful then their pc right? Right now my toy phone is running an quad core cpu with 12gb of ram and 120 refresh rate.

There are many people in the world where their phone is their PC. Do you even Global travel?

Yes really. sitting on top of a 50 inch (use my 6yr old god sons TV as an example As I no longer need a TV that size myself (size is not something I focuse on) tv you need to be a good distance away, Otherwise your eyes will be shot before your old. Unless you are playing in a window which defeats the purpose.

Spoiler alert; that will work horribly for any fast paced game.

Sure, my whole claim is how inferior that is to a reasonable decent PC or even console.

Recommended distance for a 50 inch tv is about 7-8 feet, quite a bit from 20 feet.

Considering more people have a phone than a PC that is a fairly useless comparison. Probably more relevant to compare owners of phones and gaming PCs/Consoles. “Most people” are not the target audience for a fair amount of the gaming industry.

We’re about to go to 8k resolutions, and the Switch is considered dated by some already because the max it can do is 1080p. The next gen consoles due out at the end of this year… 1080/60 will not be what those play at.

And your storage capacity? And what did you pay for it?

Most people don’t global travel.

Can’t really tell me that constantly staring at a smaller screen from a couple feet away is any better for your eyes… I mean, either way it’s an electronic screen.

From your replies it would seem you are a bit older. Many things are changing very rapidly and that includes the gaming industry.

Comparing owners of both phones and pc/console negates a very very large group of gamers around the world. Try to think outside of your little bubble for a minute please.

7-8 is for watching it as a TV not as a console or pc. How your eyes focus while doing those 3 things are very differently due to the needs of it. So yes 7-8 will be fine for watching TV. Not for something like gaming but go a head. Not my eyes.

You need to let go of what you think a pc is. You do know the majority of pc sold these days have very limited storage as well as many being chrome based. The Pc builder has always been a smaller group and its about to get alot smaller when you dont need the hardware to run the best games.

Now this will not work for Esports games of course but the majority of gamers dont really care about the esports of games for very long.

8k is a waste and is only for those that have a fixation on bigger, but to each their own. I dont think the next gen consoles will be not be as great as you think. It has been a while since they have impressed me. That will most likely be one setting for it.

It has 512gb and got it on a good sale for 700. If you want to know. But then I have no problem paying for what I want.

4.5+ million of people travel every day by plane alone. Many people travel globally all the time. Some for work, some for pleasure. But that is besides the point. The point is its about getting the games into the most hands. And needing a gaming pc is about to not be an issue. Like it or not it is what it is.

You do know there are rumors of a Blizzard exclusive with Stadia right? I cant say for sure and dont care either way but it cant be ignored either.

I guarantee you that Blizzard will continue to sell their games through

The rumored Stadia deal is for streaming only obviously, they will still sell their game for PC and console both through Bnet, console marketplaces, and physically.

I do agree 8k is a waste for pretty much any home situation. I have seen plenty of 4k vs 8k videos with tech pros not being able to tell the difference in a living room or PC desk setting.

Im not saying they arent. Also I never bought anything from that app. Heck I dont even have it installed. And no you dont need it to launch the games.

Yes and streaming only is the future of all games. Even if the Boomers dont want to admit it.

Not a boomer, and wont bother with it. It may become the future, but there will still be dedicated hardware users, and companies will still continue support them for quite an long time.

Not as long as you think. Go do some research. Even Microsoft is building a machine that focuses on streaming over anything on internal storage.

Everyone says they wont do it and they have said the same thing about many other things. Like paying for a game then renting a way to use it (looking at you wow, that would be unheard of at any other time in history. Hell people if pay for FM radio lmao) but things change and like it or not. You either change with the future or you get left behind.