Connection Problems

I keep losing signal while playing and it’s not on my end. I have noticed that a few other players are having the same or similar problem and I have to keep logging in.

Are you using a wireless connection? If so, try plugging directly into your modem with an Ethernet cable if possible.

Are you sure? Have you tried Diablo III Disconnection Troubleshooting?

Oddly enough I had issues about an hour ago… trying to login to BNET I got put in a queue because “we’re experiencing high volume”. That never happens to me on D3. Is there some major release on another Blizzard game which might be causing the problem?

I have been here for 12 yrs. I have had maybe 15 to 20 disconnects. 90% or more have nothing to do with Battle-net. Where you at here in the USA or some other place. I’m on the east coast in the USA. The server is on the west coast. I have on Avg 18 hops and up to 35 to get to the server.

Like what Perusoe said how are you connected to the internet? You using cable, DLS, or some other type of connection. You using WiFi, Hardwired, using a wireless route, or a WiFi extender? There are a lot of if’s there before you can say it is the server.

This has nothing to do with disconnects. You are connected and the server is full.

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