Conflagration Passive

Hey guys,
got a small question. Is the Conflagration Passive automatically applied to ignited targets or do i have to actively apply it with some skill like Exposive Blast?


There’s a few things that auto cast a spell. Fireball, or some other stuff from Storm crow. Explosive blast and some other runes only bolder how often damage totals could be applied. The best wizard group keeps going and going.

Hi, don’t you love it when people answer your question :question:


Fire damage dealt to enemies applies a burning effect, increasing their chance to be critically hit by 6% for 3 seconds.

This is the description from the game guide, to me it seems that it should. I have to admit that I’m not 100% sure. So if anyone else is kind enough to verify or deny it would be good.
Sorry that I can’t give a definite answer.

Fire damage automatically applies Conflag, but fun fact; Conflag doesn't work with Firebirds at all.
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Oh dear…
Like I said I don’t know how it works.

Instead of this BS. Enlighten the op on how it works.

Thanks in advance, Steff.

I don’t know what your on about, but I think you summed it up nicely on your explanation of how Conflag works. I just wanted to let the OP know that it doesnt’ work with Firebird’s, which is why the vast majority of people are using it. Except it doesn’t work.

Ironically, even had it wrong.