Condemn crusader BoP change is misleading

Hello. I tested the change to Blade of Prophecy (BoP for short), expecting every single mob hit by condemn to trigger an additional condemn, which would be bonkers OP (considering akkhan condemn is already the strongest crusader build currently)

I was somewhat disappointed that instead, only 1 enemy now triggers an additionnal condemn instead of 2 currently on live servers.
This is a good change, because it reduces significantly the amount of lag created by the build ; however it should be clearly stated on the item tooltip instead of what we currently have on the PTR.

Current wording :

Two Condemned enemies also trigger Condemn’s explosion and the damage of Condemn is increased by 600-800%%.

New wording :

Condemned enemies also trigger Condemn’s explosion and the damage of Condemn is increased by 600-800%.

Expected wording with how it works on PTR

A Condemned enemy also triggers Condemn’s explosion and the damage of Condemn is increased by 600-800%.

If that change is not intended to work like that, it should be fixed (keep in mind, this would make condemn OP).

Test : Twitch