Communities Are Not Working After Maintinance

Look again and try entering and leaving groups. We keep getting “game license not found” and other errors that are driving us to play other games. This is not a “player side” issue just because you chose to investigate a very small part of the overall complaints.

Happens a lot, get stuck when trying to leave a game, just have to close d3 and reload very annoying.

With these bugs I suppose the promotion for the d3 sales must be just going through the roof!

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After 4 days of frustrating experience I have decided to quit this game… no big loss for you blizzard just another random guy leaving

i am trying to download the game on my pc. i just bought it tonight and it keeps saying there was an error installing on both of my computers. can anyone give me any suggestions?

I too am getting this new issue. :frowning:

The nice thing is there is a workaround for the moment. You can still enter the game and talk through typical DMs. You can also still see them in the actual game. Unless your issue is a bit different.

I can’t believe its been an issue for so long. its clear they have other priorities… Like making D4 /shrug. D3 isn’t going to make it past season 20 i bet.

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The problem is that it isn’t affecting Public rifts, GR’s, or Bounties. It is only affecting a small group of people. So why fix it, wait till the next maints. If it was everybody it would have been fix with in few hrs. Where it is just the clan people no big deal we’ll wait.

also having issues with bounties on party locks
this is very annoying lost many caches cause of this
please fix this game
first classic kills raiding in bfa lack of players
now diablo cant even run their servers properly losing faith in blizzard again.
what happened to the company of my childhood, that released polished games

No it’s not!
Everyone on America’s, Europe’s and Asia’s server are experiencing the same broken game issues.

In order to join someone else’s game from the party you are in must logout in order to do so.

I am playing HC season but appear to others as NS SC.
Does this make any sense?

Blizzard is on par for ruining this season with their screw ups.

i meant the communities are working…

One important concept I’ll never forget is the first time I posted on a blog or forum as a young man and was instantly blasted.
What I said isn’t important,
I put a thought that was in my mind as my forum post and it was missing a ton of information for ppl to get it!

When posting here, please copy the post above you, that you are relating to.
That way people get you!

Thread title: Communities Are Not Working After Maintinance

(I’m quoting. Yes, I know the word is actually spelled “Maintenance”).

Still getting a 10014 error code …it has been this way for a week or two.

You mean the entire World? ignorance is bliss isn’t it.
Both Australia and EU are having the same social issues.
Hopefully today’s fix should resolve this once and for all.

I’m assuming today’s fix isn’t complete yet. The game is letting me try to log in to the point it retrieves my character list and I can see my toons, but it’s giving me an error of “could not join channel, you’ve joined too many of this channel already” and then it kicks me out.

I try to log today after the maintenance and surprise. “Unable to join channel. You have joined the maximum number of this channel type. (Code 10017)”. Cant log cant do anything. Summit a ticket and practically they told me that they are trying to fix that and cant do anything else, just wait. -.-

parties are still broken, what are they fixing exactly?

focusing on blizzcon, most likely… they’re phoning it in.

Hey there friends,

Some changes have been pushed that should help with this problem. Please post back if you are still having this problem with invites and Communities!

We hope that it is resolved, but your continued replies help us know.
