Comments disabled in latest D4 dev stream

They’re within their rights to do so. Sifting through the legit and fake complaints, feedback is how you make things better.

Because trolls and little prepube boys dont know how to control themselves and have constructive commentary.

Ever watch a PoE livestream? You cant even read the comments. It’s like watching a transparent sewer drain that flows from the local penitentiary.

No different than half the posts on this forum. They just need to moderate better.

I guess it is too much for asking D4 Dev to do like what the FF16 Dev team does here: :laughing: :point_down:

Timestamp - 19:33

No streamers are required. The FF16 Dev will address all the people complaint’s about FF16 that they gathered and showing what the players want to know about the game within 1 hour non-stop.

Guess you never watched a livestream with live comments.


You watched it on YT i guess.

What do you mean comments disabled? I watched what I could of the Twitch stream and there were lots of comments. I even commented myself and PezRadar pulled some questions from chat.

I did have ISP issues so did not see all of it, was there a point they turned off the Twitch chat? It did not look bad at all when I was there. Some usual clowns, but mostly on topic.

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I’ve seen live comments. Jack Jersawitz is the best example. Wasn’t saying you’re wrong at all.

Savage :sweat_smile:

I can’t post in that D4 thread. My understanding is:
Point of rhykker being there was to humanize the interactions. By having a outside party as the intermedium it comes across more like an organic conversation instead of a slide show presentation.

The only issue is some people don’t like rhykker, so he sticks out like a sore thumb in these type of interactions. Compared for example if you had Kripparrian doing the exact same thing - saying the exact same words (from what I can recall they are both Canadian and love Diablo, fair comparision).

Not a fan of rhykker because he is an extreme shill and nothing the devs do could ever be wrong in his eyes, he is practically an astroturfer.

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Working is how you make things better.

Don’t you criticise it!

Read that sheet!

Nevermind the fact he looks like a…nvm.

:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

He has a good beard.

My granny’s beard is far neater, and she never touched it.

They should have invited KingKongor instead of Reeker.

That’s all I wish to add regarding that stream.


They should’ve invited the Red Shirt Guy.