Camera zoom for npc dialogue in D4

I want the option to zoom in my camera to an over the shoulder perspective during NPC interactions or ingame dialogue cutscenes like in BG3, because I’m gonna play the hell out of the D4 story if the game is good enough.
Now that Im thinking of it, I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t be able to zoom in the camera to a over the shoulder perspective any time out of combat, (and out of a pvp zone).

Imagine taking a break on a ridge after a heavy plot point or a taxing battle, zooming in and looking out over the steppe and the hordes of hell scurrying about out there. What will go through your mind at that point?
The feature could also be used to scope out which way you want to venture out into the aforementioned steppe, not in any deeper strategic sense, but for the sake of role playing.

While I’d also like that, it would require more graphical work to make all the assets look good and crisp close up.

That’s what Wolcen team’s main excuse was for removing the camera rotation feature - required them to make all the graphical assets look HQ from all angles.

That’s the main upside of the isometric view, upside for the developers anyway. They don’t need to implement state-of-the-art level design.

Well, my counter argument to that is that what Im calling for is not a free camera, but a zoom into a specific camera angle that can only be accessed outside of combat. And we are talking about a triple A title from blizzard activision. Plus blizz can freely choose how far out over the step the player would be able to see.
I’d say it’s doable with a little imagination and finesse.

Except Blizzard ain’t known for that these days…

Just because they can doesn’t mean they would. Laziness and lack of foresight is what Blizzard is most known for now.

no, just no

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Well if it’s optional, then I wouldn’t have an issue with it. But yeah, it’s honestly not anything I would care for having.

You hear that Blizzard, a resounding Yes! from the fans ^^