[Classic] The Shared Stash

When I first started playing D2 it was back in 2001/2002. I started out playing LoD, and mainly played Expansion Softcore Ladder for years. Then, I tried Classic Hardcore Ladder and man was I hooked. I like the idea of Classic not having charms, and runes. Also, rares are actually “rare” and used for end game setups. D2: R Classic needs the expanded personal stash and shared stash tabs. If you do this for D2: R Classic that is all that is needed! :slight_smile:


The reason they’ve not added the shared stash to classic, is because the very limited existing stash is there, and changing that with adding a shared stash, would be a major change in classic.


I do agree, even tho’ I’ve only played a bit classic compared to LoD, that it was making me insane with that limited amount of inventory space.


In classic (or diablo 2 without LOD) people also make mules to keep stuff, it seems only fair to me that if the increased stash size and a shared stash is added in LOD as a QOL feature in D2:R, that this will also be applied for the classic stash. So the OP has my support!


They added it to LOD because people use mules, Mules were a thing in classic before LOD existed


Exactly this. The larger stash was literally added because the community overwhelmingly hated the small stash.

Contrary to popular belief, most classic players didn’t “stay in classic”, we played LoD extensively, many of us were at top of ladder in LoD, and we got bored of it, came back to classic because Min/Maxing is way harder in classic than just getting duped runewords/charms.

Nobody stayed in classic because they wanted a small stash.

E: shared - small


Yep 100% true the small stash and muleing has always been the worse part of D2 in general


I too would love to have the stash upgrades available for Resurrection Classic. Or at least assurance that it will be easy enough for modders to do it. I’d prefer it just be standard or a checkbox in the options menu though. Thanks in advance.


Come on blizzard give us classic players a reply about this!


Yes I hope this is one of the first things we see some feedback on, there are a lot of things being talked about, but seeing a large part of the community being ignored when it comes to the new quality of life changes would be terrible to see.

Here’s hoping we see some blizzard engagement here soon!


let’s hope so i can stop checking this post constantly hoping for a reply from blizzard lol


Agreed! I play both classic and LoD and would love a shared stash for classic


Great to see so many classic players coming back.

Don’t make us mule the old fashioned way though, it was torturous.


Honestly, for a loot based game, stash space shouldn’t be an annoyance. If you want to hoard, you should be able to hoard.

I know it takes some server storage space, but that should be immaterial.

Let’s tell Blizzard what they want to hear. We are willing to pay $$ for more stash space.


i dont think they will be selling tabs for $

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I don’t think they will, but their rival PoE does and is making great revenue.

This is a publically traded company. They sell pets and stuff in other games. I’m sure they have considered stash space for $.


ya selling stash tabs is the one thing people frown upon in poe its Pay to win in alot of peoples eyes lets not give blizzard any ideas

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I don’t play PoE or know the community. I personally have already paid $40 for D2R and largely because I love their stash space changes. I’d personally pay another $5 or so per additional permanent stash tab.


My personal view on payment for space is that it shouldn’t be on the cards. Especially when Lord of Destruction is getting it included.

Plus, you’ve got to ask how viable that would actually be, people would just revert to muling rather than paying. At least I would.


I actual liked how Diablo 3 did this.
You had to buy extra space in your stash - that way you have a little bit of a gold sink.
So start out with a small shared stash. and then first expansion cost 100k gold, next 1m and last could be 3m.
That means in the beginning of a new ladder season, you can invest gold into more storage or for gambling etc.


Yes i agree stash tabs for $ would be bad it would remove the reason they’re adding it to stop the making of mule characters but gold for extra tabs would be ok as a gold sink for sure