Classic Angel Potrait Darkening of Tristram Special Event not claimed even after the 7 Cultist Pages wer found

I finally got the remaining Cultists pages for the "Darkening of Tristram " Special event after waiting a year to try and get the last Cultist pages. I tried for a week and got them the following year. Then I go to Claim “I sense a soul in search of answers”, click the Classic Angel portait and nothing happening. It is not in my portrait inventory and can’t be claimed from achievements screen? Somebody on Blizzard Chat said to put in a ticket? Yeah, that would do a lot of good?

Okay :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: The event runs in January, it is now May, did you talk to someone in January? Did you get some of them in one year and the rest in another year? If so, maybe you need to get all of them in the same event.

I am sorry but there is no in-game support offered for Diablo 3 so you would not achieve anything by putting in a ticket. They don’t modify anything for individuals (loot, items, achievements, quests, etc.)

Your only option is to repeat the event next year after consulting a guide about it. Make sure you meet the requirements.

Also, if you are sure you did, check your portraits page in your cosmetics tab. Portraits from Achievements are normally automatically awarded, not claimed - if my memory is correct. Keep in mind Achievements are Region locked, so you had to get it all on the right Region.

It shouldn’t matter. The portrait is tied to an achievement, so you should get the portrait once you have the achievement. I got the achievement in the first year, but IIRC from some people who didn’t, any pages you got carried their ticks in the achievement across to future years. And I think if someone hoarded the pages, you could actually get the achievement outside of the event time by getting them to drop you the pages. Picking up the pages is all it takes to register as ‘finding’ them, you don’t have to actually ‘find’ them during the event.

Also Dano, there’s no “clicking on the achievement” to claim it. Once you get the achievement, it should show up automatically in your cosmetics page.

Dano, does your achievements screen look like this? There will be a date in the upper right showing when you got the achievement, and if you click the achievement it will expand down and show you all the checkboxes. Confirm that your achievement is showing as complete with all boxes ticked.

Should look like this:


Good review, TYVM. I wish they would make one change, how about a new helm gem each year. :gem:

Some cultist pages were Account Bound, some weren’t, and it depended on whether they originally dropped in season or non-seasonal, but I can’t for the life of me remember which way around it was. Maybe the OP could join an achievement hunting Community and see if someone has the pages they could share to him.

I realise this is old, but there might still be similar available nowadays…

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I have all the pages stored on an off account. They are all tradeable, and they grant the achievement at any time.