Cheaters on the Leaderboards


As an aside, I have two accounts but only post on this one and, I too, have been accused of being someone’s Alt.
That accusation has been leveled against several people over the years, usually with no evidence to back it up.
Ok. Carry on.

Who cares about trolls discussions lol. I see things differently I guess because troll posts are VERY easy to spot vs. legit discussions looking for community feedback. It would help the topic stay on track if used properly.

Remember the Diablo Immortal dislike ratio on youtube, then they reset it which gave the video an even worse dislike ratio… I thought the video was absolutely epic, if only it had D4 at the end instead of DI.

Forum discussions are great, but action in game is more important to me and fellow D3 friends. We are repeatedly let down that these cheaters are still getting away with it and even streaming it while making cash. The cheat companies charging a subscription fee even! More needs to be done and I believe that threads like these get the motivation ball rolling.


There was a D3 thread where the OP insisted that a certain behavior broke game rules. He was told over and over again that he was wrong by.almost everyone. It was so bad that he would not believe what Blizzard posted on their own website and quotes from the diablo 3 community manager.

Two distinct people even reached out to Blizzard customer support. CS in both cases responded that the thing in questiom was allowed and did not break the rules.

If that person had the power to “ban” players from that thread, people might believe what he was saying as true even though all knowledgeable posters contradicted his claim.

Funny thing, in the old Forum, posts were numbered and it was easy to see if a Mod removed something.
You really have to be paying attention now.
Quite a few of my posts disappeared when entire threads were deleted, too.
The Mods were more active on D3 back then.

You dont want discussions you want censorship to create an echo chamber. Often times you start these derails yourself by making claims or sideclaims that just arent true. Like that you were rk 1 and only bumped down on the last day by cheaters for multiple seasons. Or that forum posts or your old thread get removed automaticly, that there are no mods whatsoever etc.

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Posts still are numbered but you have to look at the url.

This post website link is:

i.e. post #1195 that was made in this thread

However, it is current post 1167 in the thread. The number difference is due to deleted posts.

And how does this splendid side tangent help with in game cheater enforcement?
The forums are a great place to throw discussions, but insignificant when regarding the topic of cheaters.
In game action is needed and the forums are just an indicator of how badly D3 needs a clean up.


Please read what I stated. That person claimed a bunch of D3 players were cheating despite information on the Blizzard website, a post from a community manager, and two distinct Blizzard customer support agents that proved otherwise.

It is not a side tangent and was directly relevant to tbe thread. Furthermore, I only brought this up after you stated.

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THis is a lot to ask for from that person. Be prepared to go around in circles.

Well “that person” is 100% correct and probably plays the game actively enough to notice.
There are still tons of cheaters in game currently and still on previous season leaderboards indicating your sources are incorrect regardless of what was said or told. Defending that perspective with evidence of what was said vs. actuality is pointless.

Jump in game and look up the front pages for solo clears and be amazed. Sure the 2s, 3s and 4 player front pages have holes from banned accounts however they didn’t get all of them. We may never know how many cheaters were removed when looking at the boards but one fact remains. There are still cheaters on every board, for every season indicating “that person” is correct and your sources are posting misinformation.

As long as the circle ends with banning cheaters more effectively, lets dance.


Are we referring to the same thread? To my knowledge, there was only one D3 “behavior” in forum discussion where threads exists that included direct quotes from Blizzard website, two community managers, and rwo Blizzard customer support agents.

If another thread exists that meets this criteria, please provide a link

That player claimed that manual multiboxing in D3 was cheating. The reality is manual multiboxing in D3 is allowed by Blizzard and does not violate their rules.

That person said nothing about cheaters on the leaderboard.

Two D3 community managers also stated that multiboxing is allowed in D3. I was one of the two people who reached out to Blizzard customer service who confirmed that manual multiboxing in D3 is allowed. My source was Blizzard themselves. My source was legitimate.

Here is the screenshot of what Blizzard customer service said.

You dont know what that thread was about and still claim 100% accuracy, maybe the thread was about “bounties and crafting is cheating, you should only find your gear in diablo”. Then the person would be 100% wrong.

And yet again it is a derail YOU started, and when someone goes into YOUR derail you blame them for the derail.

Wonderful news again, yet has absolutely nothing to do with leaderboards and the invasive cheats used to get on there like thud, god tools or botting. YouTube enlightened me to a new zoom cheat, someone else on this thread brought it up prior.

This thread is geared towards action against “real” cheats, the ones that violate the ToS and give an unfair advantage over others, not allowed stuff like multiboxing.
The ToS states clearly that no 3rd party software is allowed so I don’t blame you for looking in to that, but not entirely sure that angle is relevant to this discussion or relevant to the chesters that are currently or previously unpunished.


And as was pointed out, it was only mentioned because YOU said you want the ability to strike posts from the threads you create. It was mentioned because giving posters that ability is a bad idea and it illustrated why.

You can’t then complain about your thread being derailed when you’re the one that opened the tangent in the first place.

For Christ’s Sake!

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I am trying to discuss a legitimate issue in game.
The derailing is unnecessary and it would be nice as an OP to have the ability to remove the derailing posts since the moderators don’t seem to care, which is fine, but it would be ideal to have tools to keep things on topic.
It isn’t a complaint, people are going to type whatever they’re gonna type, more of an idea to help do what the mods aren’t.

Same thing goes for anti cheat in game.
Give the community some tools if enforcement is slim like it has been since launch.
The old thread brought some great ideas like in game reporting or more effective anti cheat.


This would be a cool feature. I can also see some people weaponizing this by deleting posts that disagree with them. It’s bad enough that people false flag posts that disagree with them.

Just like above, they’d have to take caution so it’s not weaponized. It’s bad enough that people like that one maria renee or whatever was reporting people just because they didn’t like how they played or played differently than they did, if the community had more tools worse than that, we’d see even more legit players banned, scratching their head trying to understand, while getting automated replies when inquiring.

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Just by taking a quick look on the Leaderboards to see another player’s time played and knowing how many days / hours of a season have passed, we can all find accounts which have 20+ hours played per day, for months on end. If those players are reported, it’s not for playing differently to others, it’s because they’re probably cheating / account sharing.


Unfortunally, it works extremely slow with reporting someone to the fact, that they are getting a ban

At this point I’m just idly curious if there’s a post cap on threads. Cuz this one’s going to reach it eventually.