Cheaters on the Leaderboards

Nothing was deleted. Not sure why it matters so much. If anything you have disproved their angle, whatever it was… I forgot.

Nothing was deleted, just muted.
There are not multiple threads deleted either.
Stop painting a picture that doesn’t exist which has nothing to do with the issue of cheaters plaguing our beloved game.
There might be consequences to constantly attempting to derail.

This was not me but someone from the cheating community. It was flagged and removed almost instantly. All of this can be cleared up by searching.

The facts are there is a cheating epidemic in D3 and has been for years.
Bandaid fixes (infrequent bans) only prolong the issue. I think a paragon cap works, but nothing trumps real time anti cheat.

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You did not quote what was said in full but part. So I looked it up.

That definitely refers to that single thread that I mentioned that lasted 2+ years with >2,000 posts.

You will notice “thread” is singular. Again, presumably the 2+ year old thread.

You will notice “thread” is singular. Again, presumably the 2+ year old thread.

Again singular.

That quote does not exist in that thread according to the search function. The word “deleted” only appears 5 times total in the aforementioned thread and never in this context.

There was several banwave please :metal: threads that got deleted. It’s a fact.

Microrna dont know why you keep on with this discussion as you can see even metalhead confirms it. There was a person called metalhead from a different clan who made a thread banwave please as a meme, it got deleted.

But if you are breaking down the quotes do it in full:

he says in the old thread and as the other banwave request thread, the latter referring to the meme banwave request please after the original one got deleted.

taken away is another word for deleted.

When a quote is in quotation marks that means that it is a direct quote rather than being paraphrased. Iin that direct quote, there is nothing that implies multiple threads were 404.

For the other quote, there is nothing about the second thread being 404.

Regarding muted threads, there was only one. Anyone stating otherwise can look this up for themselves rather then fill up this thread with useless junk.
If the goal is to run dome salt on the wound, then I wouldn’t post that childish junk here on the official forums since there has been a ton of anti cheat activity since these discussions started years ago.

Rather then negative perspectives, how about congratulations to the hacks team for catching some of the filth. It isn’t a complete removable of cheaters or anything close, but we take what we can.

I wonder if they can parse the leaderboards and get rid off all banned accounts on them since the cheater community know about the “do t login after the ban email is sent” trick to stay on the leaderboards.

You have confirmed there was a other “banwave request please” by someone from the cheating community. You cannot look up deleted threads, not your original thread nor the impersonating. Besides you also keep bringing up your deleted thread at every oppertunity.

Totally agree, blizzard has done an early banwave, c&d rosbot, put a para cap (for probably 1 season anyway but ok). So be happy man, play those leaderboards and stop complaining about non issues as the leaderboards are cleaned up.

Slap on the wrist wave*

If it actually was worked on fast enough botters still wouldn’t be doing it years later.

Pretty much the same across all their games.

How is this thread of crying babies still going? Imagine crying about a 12 year old single player game and thinking anybody cares about anything you still do on here?

Since you don’t seem to realize it, half the player base on here plays switch or PS4, sadly the PC version of this game is the worst edition they made. I’ve played on switch for 5 years even though my PC has 16 cores and a brand new video card, simply because their forced online mess isn’t worth dealing with.

Imagine thinking I care about this game at all.

It just shows when it comes to cheaters. blizz is useless.

Haven’t ever done that.
There are still tons of cheaters on the boards even now. As stated many many times previously, D3 needs more frequent enforcement to be effective. This isn’t a complaint, it is a request and cordial discussion. Stop attempting to turn it into something it isn’t.

This person gets it!

Then you know more then anyone how worse the switch platform is for cheaters compared to PC. Offline doesn’t work.

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What do you base this on, i dont see any people with absurd amount of time played. You can say for example well Bart has always been a cheater and this babyBart surely is an alt account of Bart. But if babyBart has played a humanely 300h this season what do you base it on? You can say well there are also people who use TH or macro, again what do you base that on, because unless Bart is a streamer and you see his overlay or you see him using macro there is no way just by looking through the leaderboards who is or isnt using it. So what do you base the hyperbole tons on?

It is all you do, made several threads through several years, even in d4 i see you complaining about season starting time or other players boosting streamers. The truth is this is the most fair competition you will get, blizzard has done alot for this season, so use this season instead of complaining.

It ain’t gonna happen. Request denied is what Blizzard shown us during the years. You nagging ain’t gonna change anything.

Stop feeding the troll. It just makes this thread overencumbered with more nonsense replies that people have to skim, which he’s already made 136 as of this message.

Do what I did, put any and all useless people on your block list.

The games lifetime of playing every season and competing on the boards.
Sure it is tough to determine if someone is using cheat software but that isn’t our job as the consumer. If you have ever played D3 in the last 5 years, you’ll know by looking at communities in game and public bounties. There are literally people asking for zNe ros with cheats which is partially why I started the original thread back in 2016. Cheaters promoting and spamming for other cheaters in game needed to be addressed.

I am, why say otherwise unless you are on dome “other” agenda. Go check in game before attempting yet again to create a false negative image which doesn’t pertain to this conversation against cheaters.

Am very aware of this and unfortunately have a few repeat trolls blocked.


it doesnt really matter what your past experiences has been when since last banwave there are no accounts with inhumane hours played.

You are? You have hardly played last weeks, probably because of d4 new season, your barb record hasnt changed for weeks, you are still on gr 130 with your barb. It isnt per say negative, it are just facts.

There could be hundreds of accounts with inhuman hours lol, what is your source to back up this claim? I already see some repeat cheaters climbing the boards again. Check in game.

This doesn’t pertain to this thread in any way.
Join the convo or start your own thread trying to prove whatever it is you are aiming towards, but it clearly isn’t on topic.

This type of behavior should be met with a moderator muting and removing previous posts.
Its useless reading and all details.

Banwaves are great, but I still see known cheaters on the boards. Frequent enforcement or realtime anti cheat is the best way to resolve the cheating issues in D3. If banwaves caught all cheaters and bots every week then we could finally enjoy a fun and fair gaming environment but unfortunately this hasn’t happened yet.


What are you saying lol? There could be hundreds of accounts with inhumane hours? Like you say go check the leaderboards, look through the top and you will not find them. But i forget you even took in doubt people who played 250h… To you everyone is within doubt, especialy if they outrank you.

I said you should play this season more, you said you already were, you said i should check in game, i checked in game, turns out you arent. Very simple, if you dont want any discussions dont make up stories.

It takes 2 to tango, 95% of your posts do not add anything either. Anyway you want to make up stories without being fact checked, you want to censor people i get it.

Incorrect, only those that are cheating.
I don’t need anyone else speaking for myself thank you.
My comments are crystal clear and are on track with wanting nore enforcement.
Going up a few ranks is icing but not the cake, the cake it getting these cheaters out of D3.

Whats next, want to micro manage how I wash dishes? I love D3 and still play despite whatever incorrect source you are pulling from. Leaderboards do not determine account activity fyi.

I fail to see how this benefits the conversation against cheaters in any way yet again. I will add you to the muted list since there is nothing but attempted derailing posts. GL.

As to the issue st hand, the cheaters are back up on top of the leaderboards proving that bandaid bans do not repel cheaters effectively.


Nothing short of making cheating actually illegal with monetary fines/jail time as a deterrent would have a chance at accomplish that, although I doubt it would be 100%. It’s a moot argument though as neither will ever happen.

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