Character transfer from pc 1.14 to switch?


is it possible to transfer my character to a switch? Can’t find any answers on the internet.
Thank you

“Cross-progress” is the term, or sometimes “cross-save”.
But there is no “Cross-play”, so you can’t play with Switch on PC and vice versa.

Yes,I understand. But I want to know how I can get my solo character save file from pc (d2:lod 1.14) on my switch (D2resurrected)? Afaik there is no file management on the switch.

I think the management would be based online/cloud. On PC your savefile should be different to older d2 ones, like they already stated that. So to import it mostly would need your bnet account associated and some online connection to get things through.

Also could be based only on multiplayer, maybe not on singleplayer because the legacy purposes on that matter.

You can’t do that I don’t think. Single player saves are specific to your device. Cross progression works for the online saves.

So even when I but additionally the PC version of d2r and import there my character, I cannot transfer, because single player content won’t synchronizes? This would be very sad :crying_cat_face::cry::broken_heart::cry: