Character Statistics Counter

I would personally love to see a character statistics counter. You click your character and can open a menu showing deaths, how many times you killed each act boss with that character, time played on that character etc.


This may be included in the feature they showed where you can, hold shift? I think… anyways, and bring up a screen to show your characters stats such as MF%.

Time played would both be cool, and bad if my GF saw it…


I also agree this would be cool but, if they are trying to keep a deadline of by the end of 2021 something that could be for a later update.

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Such informations are amazing to have in a game such as Diablo 2 or Skyrim. I would totally love to have a death counter or a charcter sheet just like in the Elder Scroll Games.

i would love to see how many times you died to a little imp or how many skellies Diablo killed from your skelly army as a necro lol

remember back in the day when i was playing pure skelly summoner, i had to keep re summoning form previous areas for like 1 hour to be able to kill Diablo :sweat_smile:

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When it will be released she wont see you at all :slight_smile: or when season end.

Yeah lol i know the feeling. But we have respec now soo, if skeletons are lazy, lets go Bone spirit :slight_smile:

When it will be released she wont see you at all :slight_smile: or when season end.

Yeah but she lives with me… and my office isnt exactly tucked away… right now LOL

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Maybe even a collections tab(for each Ladder season, non Ladder, Single Player). Shows a list of items you have found, and from what difficulty and monster/boss/chest that dropped it(picked up - not from trading). There could also be many variables you can input. Say I have a Sorc with 400%MF. A collections tab shows what items you found with 400%MF, and if you changed your MF to 500%MF it will shows items found from that. Maybe even a trophy case. You find an item and it’s really gg. You put it in the trophy case, and it copies the image of the item so that way if you ever get rid of the item you can always look back and be like wow, I found that item. Kind of like a reflection of your greatest finds in the game. They could make it really extensive where it shows a lot of different kinds of collections, or variables for different things.

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