Character and items rolled back to some hours before

I was playing this morning and had an issue on my PC. Mouse click/position got stuck (proly doing thousands clicks like crazy). Youtube stopped on the background and after a few moments got a blue screen (Win10).

Reseted everything and played a little more. So far so good.

Now, after a few hours, went to play again. Mya charcter list was out of order, lost a few paragons and gem levels. Some items (Puzzle rings) were restored.

It seems I’ve got my account rolled back a few hours. Looked through the forums and looks like it’s not a “global” issue.

Never experienced this type of problem before.
Could my PC pre-freezing behavior trigger some sort of ant cheating force roll back? Never cheated, don’t even know how to do it.

Felling some kind of injustice here.

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That normally happens if there is some sort of server crash. I have not heard of it happening on a game crash/freeze. That data is all saved server side so your PC status should not impact data saves.

It has happened before though, it is not an isolated incident.

Have you checked the Tech Support forum today for any comments about game server down times/freezes/crashes?

Edit - looks like some others also have issues today.

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Yeah, feeling like a fool here. Looks like other players have experienced the same thing. At least I’m glad to know I wasn’t marked as some kind of cheater.

Well, I think I can only wait for some report and play those paragons again.
Thanks for the attetion.

I lost 2 days worth of progress. Last logged off around 3pm on 9/20/21 Eastern time, then ran an errand, came back at 4:30 and it has reverted me back to where I was 2 days ago.

I had the same problem, I lost everything from two days ago!

I think I lost more then a few hours. Don’t track my paragon so close. Proly lost some days like everyone else. This is bad.

Same issue for me. I lost two days worth of progress. Around 100 paragon levels, two level 100 gem augments in my armor, 4 ancient items, some primal items, even though they were garbage ahah, and it cost me roughly 3m ± in damage. I would really like for this to be fixed but, I don’t see it happening.

Hey folks,

There was an issue earlier today that resulted in rollbacks for some players.

I already linked that :stuck_out_tongue:

It does seem to be something they are aware of.

Oh I see now!

I tapped the time on the thread which just shot me to the last post. It would be so nice to get the little green “MVP” tags on the threads like the old forums had!

I have such mixed feelings about the old tags. We are just reg players so is it really a good idea to target us as something special? It tends to make for easy targeting for attacks and can make for un natural convo.

On the other hand, it lets Blizz or others know we tried? Maybe if there are multiple threads on a topic one with an MVP response might have some decent info?

I have mixed feelings about the loss of the MVP tag.

No coming back yet!!!