Chantoto Set is Now Garbage

Please revert this change , the Chantoto Set was amazing to play . Now with this change its just going into the dumpster of sets nobody ever plays again along with Vyrs. Please done have this go LIVE and have LIVE stay how it is now


Yeah, I think it was good to scale back a bit, but they way over did it… from the crits I’m seeing, it’s doing like 20-25% of what it used to… .still very tanky/beefy, but the nerf was too much.


everyone know’s that it needed to be nerf a “little bit” but this is just way over nerfed .


DEVS have no idea. you think they would test this themselves. I enjoy something different to RAT runs . But it appears to Pay to Win Necro Model is back as the only class you can play if you want to do speed runs. Vyrs / Chantato was a great option and was super fun to play. Was hands down my favorite playstyle so far and i i just cant believe it would end up even on PTR like this. What kind of testing did they do on there end. Absolute joke. God i can only hope that this doesnt make it to the LiVE Servers.


after all these year’s i think people know by now that they don’t play/test these change’s before putting them on the PTR , i think they just throw number’s on or off and see from us what happens. :unamused::unamused::unamused:


Still early to tell - but honestly:

It doesn’t feel that bad.

Cleared a GR125 13:40 solo non-seasonal PTR, same exact gear, build and paragon that I cleared GR131 in season (Cold Vyr Chantodo). Still a nice rift on the 125: scavenger festering, power, conduit, bad follow up, but 3rd level was swarms, w/ Blighter.

Was still able to run GR100’s in 3 minutes with the same build and similar gear as I had in season, where I was running GR103’s.

First impression, it feels about a 3GR nerf, or ~60% less damage. No Triune is a big hit, at least 3GRs worth. Could be that the AS scaled damage benefit was limited to ~3x instead of 5x. Again, this is just a guess / estimate. Would require more testing to confirm of course.

So yes, it’ll take a bit longer to get fluid T16 runs and running groups won’t be as beneficial, but it will still be fairly strong.

With Squirt’s bug being fixed, it’ll feel much better to push and run speed GRs with. The slated seasonal bonus will also work well with high AS trash killing builds.

EDIT: we have to keep in mind, next season we get a stacking bonus for up to 2X damage, this is equivalent to a permanent triune power circle, or endless walk damage bonus (~4.4 GRs worth’ once stacked up fully - though 1000 on kill stacks can take quite a while to build up).

At least next season - Chantodo’s will still have a place, especially for solo players and non-meta speed groups. (assuming no further decrease to power)



I did my testing, and I am disheartened by how weak Chantodo is with the new changes.
Here’s some background. In Season 18, so far my Vyr-Squirt-Chantodo wiz has done solo 130 at Paragon 2k. In PTR, I added 9k+ intel from paragons to the same character and tried a 130. In a good density, I couldn’t keep ahead of time, even though I can do it now, in season, with the broken Squirt. I wasn’t losing Squirt bonus from Frozen affix anymore, and that’s a good thing, but only goes to show how severe the Chantodo nerf is. (In my mind, the current Triune bonus gives us maybe 2-3 GR levels of power which should be compensated for by my added paragons in PTR.)
Bottom line: Chantodo doesn’t feel awesome anymore.


Chantodo set definitely needs less nerfing. Doing 75%-80% less damage with wave of destruction.


Chando nerft way too much it almost 50-60% less dmg. I’m using vyr compass rope+zodiac with coe in the cube. Less dmg affect archon stack with lower trash mob kill . Short summary, PTR less dmg + less toughness due to the achon stack.
ps: sorry for bad english


no, its not garbage, its on a level with other classes now. you are only used to its imbalance compared to other classes but it now feels similar strong to a usual wol monk solo.


Incorrect its garbage. Nobody is going to play it now. Only decent speed class njow is LoD Mages. Its been over nerf and goes bacl into the sets ppl will never play.


There is someone named ‘impusive!’ who is at #2 on the wizard PTR leaderboards with VYR’s / Chantodo’s.

I thought 135 was not exactly a shabby GR score, even with 4652 paragons.
I suppose they could give it back and delete Squirts and Flavor of Time from the game. That should achieve the same balance. However, that would create issues with every other build that uses Squirts and FoT and there would be a lot more people upset.
The 140+ wizard solo Chantodo scores did not happen in a big way in larger amounts until the patch that had Squirts, Flavor of Time and the other newer legendary’s.

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Then the did what it was suppossed to, reduce the damage by 80%. I’d done ot differently and reduced it 75%, as I liked the benefit from AS.

Anyhow the issue with Chantodo’s is the power balance, as it is an item “skill” not a character skill, the reason it sucks is because Archon does no damage at all, 95% of the damage done by Vyr/Chantodo’s (or any other combination with Chantodo’s) comes from Chantodo’s - and not what the character actually do.

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You guys do realize it was the best set in whole game, having insane mobility, toughness and AoE dmg with no drawbacks, peeps were getting kicked in T16 public GR if they were not a support class or Vyr’s Chantodo (because they were not cool enough cough cough). And this for 100-110 speeds not 120+ or anything else.

I can do 110 speeds on my LoD meteor shower, with 1 support (barb or monk) 1 RGK (dh impale for example) and 1 random (necro LoD mages or lancer, DH UE, Monk WoL, Barb Slam, WD DoD etc) and it’s great pace and good fun (2-3m runs).

You can still run T16 rifts / bounties or speed 100 with Vyr’s chantodo, you just won’t be able to speed 110+ carrying,

I hear you.

Perhaps if you know someone - they will listen to that, - someone who can reiterate what you have said, and that nominated person can avoid calling anyone a munter or any other name; only focusing on the positive reasons WHY they need to ‘un-nerf’ it… they “might” listen.

I noticed that they tend to listen to people that are positive, even if it is a negative issue? Just an observation.

If someone walked up to anyone on this thread and called them an a-hole, no matter how valid what was coming next might be, it is exceptionally difficult for anyone to hear anything good after that??/

Up to you people.

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Completely way overdone on the nerf. I’d say that the power lvl has been dropped by around 5-8Gr’s or so. This is ridiculous. Just put it back to where it was. Get to buffing other stuff over the next few seasons as you do more development. Even if I have to re-farm some stuff, I’m ok with that, especially if its because of buffs or improvements.
Also, why was the Attack Speed the issue to begin with? (we know the answer, it was an easy excuse to nerf)
Why shouldn’t the item get the bonus of attack speed? Because you have to give up other things on your gear to get AS Its a trade off, as usual. Why is this one set having getting nerfed on AS but not all others? Why not nerf all of them?
Stop nerfing stuff because some peeps favorite build isn’t at the top.
Honestly, this was the last build I was having an actual fun with…I’m about done with the game, and have zero interest in and further Diablo games at this point. There are several other ARPG games I’m already playing and don’t see why I should spend my time on this if it isn’t fun for me, and I cannot progress in solo mode.
You told us to respond and tell if you if something feels off, well, I’m telling you something feels off. Shields drop faster, squirts is bugged or something making it not worth using. I really don’t think the Barb buff was potent enough, just my op though. But hey…
Gotta make sure nobody, and I mean NOBODY does Gr150 solo, because we all know what that means.


you guys realize that even if they nerfed Chantodo -10 GR levels it would still be in-line and even better than some of the other class’s top sets? the problem is that they made a terrible mistake last season by letting chantodo go through so OP and now people are just used to that power level. when people are saying that archon was “the most fun they ever had” i think the vast majority of the ‘fun’ translates to ‘overpowered’. The archon set playstyle is one of the most awkward, least fun playstyles for the following reason:

Your archon abilities do almost no damage while 95+ % of your damage comes from an auto attack chantodo blast. It doesn’t matter what enemy you hit as long as your huge blast hits the enemy you want. The set isn’t engaging you to actually focus on hitting key enemies…you just rack your stacks up on any enemy and just be in the vicinity of the enemy you want dead.

PLEASE balance archon abilities so they at least do 1/2 the dmg the chantodo blast does…nerf the chode blast even more if you have to…having all your damage come from an attack you don’t perform isn’t that fun or engaging.


We all know how the build works. That’s not the point here at all.

The point is: why not nerf Karlei’s point? Nerf the damage and the AS off of it and only allow the skill to do the damage, or the set bonus? Why not Shenlongs FOL as well? Why not Bul-Kathos swords? Nerf all of them so they don’t do any extra damage or get AS bonus, but only the set and the skill does, right. That’s your logic from what I’m seeing.
Well, that’s not how the game mechanics work afai understand it. AS should fully apply to skills, attacks, everything that your build and skills do. If it doesn’t for one build…or item, why should it for the rest?

I see what you are saying. Ok - lets say they put it back to the way it was.
How do you propose that every other major build in every character class gets equal to it in DPS, AS, DR etc etc etc?
I am not disagreeing with you, I am only looking at another side of the backdrop behind the ‘why’.
Isn’t it pointless to only have one character out of seven that can do 140-150 solo?

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AS still applies, but the bonus is reduced. Would you prefer if they reduced the 20.000 to 10.000 instead? or stack only 3 times? It’s obvious they want it to be lower in dps (because that’s the limiting factor in speeds and pushing GR’s, toughness comes way easier from paragon than DPS), how they go about it really isn’t the big deal, it needed to be toned down and it is now. It’s not nerfed as in unusable (go play other sets and tell me if they are better than PTR Vyr’s chantodo by any minor margin, both in speed and push), it’s just more in line with what everyone else (and still above other classes by far).