Doesn’t matter. Nerf = no fun. Also, they should just buff everything else to equalize from this and create more options to play. if they didn’t nerf the Nado wiz, or critical mass, there would have been 5 builds to play instead of just 2. Same thing for other class.
Dudes get in the PTR… The effects are nice. Reminds me of the lazer light show proc from Grim Dawn.
Vyr/Chantodo needs some 3 and 4 man testing with big density and huge kill streaks. On low GR stuff its a nice special effect show. We need to see the GR 85-95, 100, and110+ performance of the season buff proc effects since they scale with rift/GR level.
I’ve already gotten the “500 Kills: Angels descend upon the battlefield to fight for your cause” proc."
I made a “PTR Wiz” community available to the public. There are several people doing season PL’s.
OMG, I just tried the wiz on PTR and it is crippled. To give you an example, in the present season, I speedfarm a GR 105 in under 4 minutes often hitting damage in the triple Trillion digits. I tried a 105 in the PTR with similar set up and cleared it in just under 10 min and died twice. Usually I seldom die as this build clears trash like theres no tomorrow, however, now that is not the case and the wiz is subject to a lot more damage. Wizard RIP for season 19…
Testing in a quantity of 1 in a Higly RNG Based game in terms of Mobs and Floors, nice Job
Hold back on your testing, until this here resolves: SOLVED: [Chantodo's Resolve] The APS scaling is not properly nerfed (hidden 0.5714 scalar reduction)
Would be great of someone else could test it aswell and confirm “the wanky” nerf (or side effect) that we witness currently.
Did you test in season or non-season. I suspect the nerf(s) are based on seasonal buff. It may be used internally as justification. Maybe the devs will walk back the chantodo changes and instead focus themselves elsewhere.
Thanks for linking to the bug report.
You see that is not really what the community wants. Just take a look at the barb threads regarding new WW power on PTR, and a large majority already asks for nerfs on it because it somehow gets closer to post-nerf vyr’s chantodo in power (actually ending being better for speeds, but not for pushing).
For some weird human nature reason, the cult of Vyr’s Chantodo feel that is their right to be the best build in game (both for speeds and solo pushing) and when something else is coming close they become alarmed and voice their concerns of losing their top dog spot.
After further testing by sVr and I, it appears it’s not bugged. They applied a flat 4/7 (or 1/1.75) scalar on Chantodo’s damage, so on PTR that means it’s doing about 57% of the damage it’s currently doing on live.
That’s the equivalent of about a 3.5 GR loss.
Which is fine. It’s also an incentive to get a great new set and buff to other sets / legendary items to make more specs rise in same ballpark or surpass it. Look at the bigger picture, a small sacrifice for a bigger gain down the development road.
At least the way I see it.
Omg, instead usual and expected buff they broke lollipops?? This is so UNFAIR! after all this ! But no worries please - it’s not nerf. It’s FIX. Won’t even be thankful for devs for this obvious move. Also u got a chance become a Rambo and switch lolli to piece of steel and rending them like a true man. Vyr was just next April joke, and they remove it when it was already totally no fun. Please forgive me my bad English, I’m writing from Barbrian cave
Nerfing is never ok. But as consumers/users, we don’t have any say in these things. And again, nerfing is NEVER ok considering what Blizzard has said before “There’s no thing as too much power”. They’re like politicians, they say something and do the opposite thing, and us users/consumers, are just sheeps in the herd.
If you wouldn’t mind answering an off topic question. Wouldn’t a 67% damage nerf to Wastes/Rend Barb actually be closer to a 7-8 GR reduction Vs the 3-4 you stated in your stream from BlizzCon?
Yes, you are right. I got that incorrect. It’s 7 tiers. I was probably subconsciously thinking of the Chantodo nerf values.
My bad! Mistakes happen when live!
Thank you so much for clarifying that. I figured it was a simple off the cuff mistake. Safe travels to you.
Because of this attack speed nerf… what is the actual optimal attack speed a Chantodo/Archon build should aim for without going over the limit to where AS no longer helps?
The notes “nerfed attack speed” doesn’t say by how much… It’s so vague.
It’s not really an “attack speed” nerf.
The damage dealt by the attack speed multiplier is only 4/7 now. Except… since it multiplies, you could put that damage nerf anywhere (multiplication is commutative). Why they decided to say it was on the attack speed I’m not really sure, because it just makes it confusing.
E.g. 20*4000*(5*4/7) is the same as 20*(4000*4/7)*5.
I argued on the PTR where they introduced it that they should change the wording on it so it was easier understood. E.g. if Chantodo’s bonus per stack was 2285% instead of the “attack speed” nerf, those would give the same damage in the end in all situations. And would be much more easily understood.
Just think of it as doing 57% of the damage you did before the nerf.
And attack speed still has full effect and damage is linear through the range of attack speed values, so you still want to get at or as close to 5 APS as you can for maximum damage.
Ok thanks. The last sentence made sense in my english language. =) “get as high AS as you can anyways”
Happy one-year anniversary of Chantodo nerf. Since then, multiple classes have surpassed it, we are heading to yet another disastrous patch and wizard has regressed to being by far the weakest class. Cheers.
Already a laggard of a class with useless Firebird, Tal, Blizz still find ways to nerf Chantodo…wtf