Changing too much suggestions

Everyone in these forums wants to change too much so here are my suggestions for changes which are overkill.

-Fix FC
-Fix Desync
-Fix WSG … JK mindblast exists
-DClone summoned by something other than ‘cloned’ SOJ
-Infinite Cow portals even if you killed the King
-Cap PvP Absorption at 40%
-Allow Horadric Hand Axe into the orifice
-I want to dual wield Khalim’s Will
-Show # of sockets on socketed items on the ground
-Show ilvl of item in inventory
-Add a special funny SFX for when you place a player’s ear in the trade screen with that player
-Allow /players 8 or minimum player difficulty on game creation
-Shrines and curses no longer mutually exclusive, cleansing and fade no longer reduces duration of shrine buffs

Feel free to flame me now.


I assume you meant are not overkill. I have no issue with most of those.


I would not be surprised if people find them to be too much, but personally I would want these changes.

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Ya no doubt, I have a few hard lines but most other things make sense that they can go either way, most bugs/unintended actions I don’t mind them fixing, eth bug and such are pretty staple bugs (and I would argue almost a mechanic in it’s own at this point), but I don’t even mind them fixing meph spot, like really he’s not that hard to kill but I can go either way.

Yes great suggestions, especially the Diablo clone one, ive never if ever see Dclone as I can never find enough SoJ to spawn him, kind of lame.

Why fix wsg?

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Why fix wsg?

Mostly because it’s a glitch; weapon swap shouldn’t end recovery frames like that. Also because it causes desync which is another glitch.

But it makes fpk fun as hell.

But it makes fpk fun as hell.

I run with max block

In fpk?

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breakin the law, breakin the law

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Nah, I want the classic feel. Fixing many of those bugs like WSG would make the game far less balanced and interesting, especially in PvP.

JK WSG is a happy accident.

Come on dude, just watch the video and imagine him doing it with axe,how dumb it would look…

Why do alot of people want the /players to work in multiplayer. The whole point was to have it as a single player buff. On multi player why not just play with people of your worried about losing drops just do a different area. Someone’s doing tombs you do cows etc.

It’s just an example of an actual QOL change. Sure, you can annoy people by joining their games and ignoring them, raising their difficulty, farming content the game was not intended for, and maybe even ruining their future quests. But why not allow /p 8 on game creation?