Change start date petitions

Nice. Guild drama. Can we officially call Diablo 3 an MMO now :rofl:

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The same expectations you just called me out for? The same expectations of being in a clan so you’re automatically entitled to a 4 man group?

That’s a trick question. If you’re at the North pole, the only directions you can look are up, down and South. Also, depending on what angle you are from the Greenwich Meridian will determine which time-zone you’re in.

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I cannot remember any patch notes that promoted group play. Can you help me out? As far I know every Season was the same (Items, Themes …) for group AND solo players.

Wow. Meteorblade ← Int 100.000 confirmed !!! :rofl:

We did not always have season themes. If I recall the first 12 seasons did not have a theme. Group players still received all of the group buffs, solo players had nothing. Now that we have 1 of 23 seasons that helps out solo player some of the group players act like it is the end of the world.


People tend to forget this, and players that weren’t around back then have no knowledge of it.

I wonder what they’d do if we gated gear for Torment X in T13 games, and gear for T13 in T16 games ala Inferno style again…

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Your not entitled to anything but when your in a guild and it’s just Yolo organise yourself cause the GM and Officer don’t do anything. What’s the point of even being in a clan then lol. I mean I could be wrong but I would’ve thought the whole purpose of a GM and Officer is to promote group play and work as a guild. Anyway that’s outside of the topic.

The topic here was about Blizzard changing the normal season start. I firmly believe it’s just a game. Many seasons ago I was all about day 1 start but yeah I did always just end up pugging it cause the people I would end up playing with already set groups up and it’s nicer to play with ppl you know then complete strangers. Much nicer game banter.
Howver People taking time off well that’s up to . Is 70 by hour 4 that important ? What the harm if someone just power levels you day two. ? If your that keen
on season start but take leave before Blizzard have officially announced anything is at your own risk. It’s not Blizzards fault you assume if they decide hey let’s mix it up and change things when there completely entitled to do so.

blizzard said:
“we’re going to balance sets and bring an average around 130” great!

“Intoducing new sets”
One is a beyblade, one is for support, one does 150 solos, one will never be used, the other can 1shot a rift guardian as it spawns, the last one shoots beams and does approx 30x more single target dps than anything in the game so far.

"We are nerfing deathwish and bringing about changes to effect the LoD32 bazooka wiz so it’s not just 150 farming.

“Exploits, cheat, hud and automation skills are bannable.”
(1 banwave 4 weeks in, let’s bots go wild for the rest of the 100 days)

Season of pandemonium: 150 solos, 150 group play. (Ban eggman for exploiting something already known from ptr.)
Season of lasers and iceballs: 150 solo exploit (not ban anyone for exploiting the lamest glitch)
Season of shadows: can’t play first 5 days or you’ll just crash from hearthstones sound files.

Just a few examples of blizzard always unchecked when they are never held accountable for a single thing they either say they will do And don’t.
Or not do something we all tell them about and punish those instead of stopping the problem.
I want some consistency from something related to this game, how hard is it to preplan some dates or anything instead of just slapping crap together and calling it a seasonal theme that works for both non season and season

April 9th is too late. Too long of a downtime between the seasons. I prefer my seasons to start the day the patch goes live. A man can dream…

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Apparently Your education has some flaws :slight_smile: As it was said before… nobody from Blizzard ever said anything about 9th so what You did is on You only. Every season it’s the same problem… people are speculating about the end/start date. Why ? What for ? At some point Blizzard WILL tell You the date and You can adjust or not. Your call. Don’t blame the developer for Your own imagination :slight_smile:


For many people by the time Blizzard announces the date it’s too late to make adjustments for it. So people speculate. If Blizzard was consistent or announced the date far enough in advance it wouldn’t be an issue. People can put away their passive aggressive clown shoes and maybe try to have a modicum of empathy.

Not quite true. Zenith will be pretty close to the NCP (North Celestial Pole), so technically, you can look North too. And of course, you can look East and West…

That’s cos the group buffs that created an inequality between group and solo play were created before seasons started…groups in D3 originally had no advantage over solo play. Now of course, mega mats, mega paragon, that solo players cannot simply match. I don’t know about you, but that ain’t balanced. Not even remotely close.

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This I agree with you on. blizzard ideally need to say Seasons will always be 2 week apart and never earlier. But could be later if issues. That at least would solve alot of ppls issues and give time to change leave if your someone who wants to take a day off to start it I guess

They had said that…

…and they had stuck to that until this upcoming season.

But the group buff is not a matter of seasons but a matter of base game mechanics. That’s a big difference. The seasonal theme itself was allways 100% the same for group AND solo. Don’t get me wrong. I welcome the changes to solo play very much but I also understand that group players feel sad, because they get nothing this season. And it’s is not much they are asking for. Just double something.

I guess in this instance. People have leanred never take leave until that officially announce the date then.
Even then , its always going to be subject ot change. Things happen. Life offers no guarentees.
People really shouldnt QQ about it being early or late.

That’s not a very thing to do. Blizzard never said anything about the start date…

So, now you want them to move the start date because a few gambled on the actual start date and “lost”?

That is absurt.

Btw, a week later, season will still be running. You can still enjoy the season…

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Biggest problem is, if they announced it to start on the 9th, we’d have the same threads whinging about it being too long between seasons.

So regardless of what Blizz said, implied, did previously, or what ever words you want to use, they’d still be wrong in some way.

The dates are what they are. If you chose to make commitments based on something that wasn’t announced, that’s on you.