There are guides on youtube for each weeks challenge rift to help you out. You need to sacrifice a challenge rift cache if you wish to unlock the altar.
I don’t know what “setting” you’re referring to. The cost of unlocking the 15th Seal is 1 Challenge Rift Cache. The Challenge Rift changes every Monday at 1:00 PM PST on the Americas Region. So, you have about 12 to 14 chances to get one to Sacrifice.
The Altar of Rites is a bonus. You can complete the entire Season Journey through Guardian without ever unlocking a single Seal in the Altar.
There’s no reason for it to stop your “progress in the season run”.
It looks like you only have one Level 1 Seasonal Character on the Americas Region that you just started yesterday.
Just run a Nephalem Rift and then do Bounties until you hit Level 18. Farm for the Zoltun Kulle Bounty in Act 2. After you kill him, you should get several Gems from his Diabolic Hoard Chest. Hopefully some Diamonds. Unlock the Gateway and Anointed Seals. When you Train the Blacksmith to Level 12 he can craft the Sage’s Journey Set for you.
The Challenge Rift will change in a couple of days and you can try again.
The seasonal for me before was to unlock all the alter of rights,i’m just asking if it’s still there so i don’t level up my toon again so i’m gonna pass on this season again.
Unlocking the altar isn’t hard. It’s a little bit time consuming, especially if you’re playing SSF and unlucky with drops, but still doable, for the average player.
All seasons will feature the altar of rites now. It is not a pre-requisite to do the altar for the seasonal journey, so you can ignore the altar if you wish, but I would recommend that you complete BOTH the altar and seasonal journey.
Neither should be difficult. Why are you finding this aspect difficult? I can see your NS character and you have decent paragon and appear to be following a build, although you only have 5 piece of each set (UE and Marauders), so you are missing out on a bucket load of damage for each build. I would highly recommend that you farm Act 1 bounties and look for the Ring of royal grandeur. When you find that, extract the legendary power and assign it to the jewellery slot in the cube. You’ll get the 6 piece bonus then and a bucket load more damage to boot and be able to go much higher than GR29 or thereabouts. Apologies if you already know this.
Most challenge rifts are pretty easy. As others have said, look up a guide on YouTube for that week’s challenge rift if you can’t figure it out. Sure, some are tough to complete in time, but most are pretty easy. There should be NO reason why you can’t complete a CR, or the altar, or the seasonal journey.
I play on console (PS4) otherwise I’d help you out.
It’s not quite clear what you want. You can run the season journey (the first eight chapters only needed) to get up to five extra stash tabs.
Challenge rifts are strongly debated. To most players they are not “easy”.
What i want is to finish the rite of passages without the challenge rift being one of the offerings,it didn’t have the rift as an offering when the rites first showed up.
Unlocking the Altar’s 15th Seal ALWAYS cost 1 Challenge Rift Cache.
The ONLY cost that changed was Seal #19, which was originally the Never Ending Questions page from a Set Dungeon. Since it NEVER dropped, Blizzard changed it to the 4 Tome of Set Dungeons Pages for your Class.
As Perusoe also stated earlier: the Altar of Rites has nothing to do with the “season run” (if by season run you mean the season journey). So it looks like you have finished the season journey before (which consists of nine chapters if you do them all) but never unlocked the Altar (fully or partially?).
it’s not showing on your profile in the cube for either of your NS builds/characters…I can only make an assessment on your build based on what your profile displays.
Gotta disagree. We all know that I prefer a singular build. If I can pick up a build that I’ve never played, for a character class that I despite, and still beat the CR time by a good margin, it can’t be hard.
It has always had the altar/cache as an offering from day 1.
With the advent of visions, and the amount of bounty mats that they provide, losing a cache shouldn’t impact on your ability to reforge etc.
You are wrong.
I simply don’t understand your aversion to running a CR/cache for the altar. You have near 2.5k paragon. You don’t get that much paragon unless you know what you are doing.
I think CRs generally are hard for players who never learnt to play the game effectively at all (or a little hard for those long time players who don’t like to play aggressively). in the game full of GRs and GR timers, basically all sets are played roughly the same way: killing mobs fast + attack is the best defense, and so on. Sets on the other hand have quite easy mechanics over a couple of skills. This is why players can pick up basic idea of any set relatively fast and beat the CR timer.
However, if player never learnt to play effective, attacking style, the CR might take lots of more time. I mean killing mobs one by one carefully and such things (CR feels then impossible). Or just in relaxed paces defensively - CR timer might feel tight depending if build doesn’t have OP damage and defense.
I myself don’t play half of the classes practically at all, but can usually beat the timer first try even with those classes - maybe 5% or 10% need second try. But some of the builds need to be used pretty aggressively and I feel I couldn’t have done them during my first year of D3 without help videos etc.
Yeah I feel like if you generally struggle with challenge rifts it is most likely because you are just kind of bad (Or new). There are sets I have played so little of that I can’t even remember what they do, or not played at all. But you read the set description and see what the damage skill is, what you need for toughness and there you go. You don’t need to be able to properly play it for the majority of them.
Although I haven’t finished this week’s one (The EU one), I tried it once and didn’t make it then decided I don’t care enough about the mats to play a build that I don’t enjoy again so will give it a second try tonight.