Easy and tanky DH CR’s this time around.
Good luck!
Good work.
Isn’t the EU one more “tanked” than tanky?
(Tanked in the meaning “failed”).
The Eu one could look like one of my characters I lvled up to try… dang
Think you are describing 95% of CR builds.
But an LoD gem at zero while Trapped is 82 and Simplicity is 70 and 800 paragon.
Must be a troll setup
Did the Asia one with no prep or walk thru on the first try… the lack of any Hatred generator was a royal pain but the build was so crazy OP for the rift it didn’t matter.
But now the dumb stuff. The follower was complaining about an unassigned skill (cheat death would’ve been nice)… really, how does someone get to 70 without assigning all their companion skills? Or run a build with no resource generation? Or have a main that procs on Bolas but doesn’t have bolas slotted? Does Blizzard look for the build with the most “broken” things that completed a rift and choose that one?
Possibly, but there are a lot of very bad D3 players out there.
I have an IRL friend who plays. He usually has more paragon than me. I will be speed running GR xxx. He is struggling to complete GR xxx-10 in 15 minutes. I look at his build. Usually 1-3 pieces of gear that go with another build. 1-2 runes that do nothing for him. 1-2 dead skills.
If someone wanted to do a good troll on Crifts, they would have to put a build together badly, then barely make the clear in 6 mins with a lot of skill. Similar to the time some pro was pushing the Solo GR45 conquest at the start of the season and hardly anyone could beat that time.
Totally agree. But when I look at MadTom’s and Honoseeker’s clears for the EU they both just manage to finish with about 30 seconds left.