Challenge rift 160

That would require some thought and input by a human being. The way these are set up is just a roll of the dice. I’d love to see some actual thought put into these things, but I do realize when i am beaten.

Someone actually did get super lucky and do this one on the first try without knowing any of the locations. There aren’t many of us out there that could do the same.

Maybe these should be made single attempt feats. I think that would put them on the same level as the original GR.


I actually enjoyed this. I have played the WD the most by far and heard about this one being “challenging.” I failed the first attempt, but beat it on the 2nd. 1st floor is bad, but has a spot where you can wipe out three elite packs and line up the seasonal theme in the skinny hallway. 2nd map is “meh”, with a lot of trash packed next to a Jug. Third floor is godly with the conduit and power. Reached 4th place at the moment after 5’ish attempts.

Well still hard but seems more doable on console vs PC

Eazy, gonna call that one, Saved by the Beam.

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you saw that i was wondering why i melted the boss lol

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this challenge is rly considered hard? :smiley: I have failed my first attempt because i moved wrong direction and didn’t check build.

Second attempt and my time was 4.07

US CR =/= EU CR.

Top 1 in US is 4:41 (time limit of 6:27). Top 1 in EU is 2:14 (of 5:04).

No worries, I used the beam too on my clear too. I think that is how it is meant to be done most effectively, the top clears probably got him on the previous laser. If you time the Seasonal elements correctly and use the pylons well, it’s probably pretty easy but would be difficult to do on the first run or two without practice.

Seriously? Helltooth without Garg and Short Man? Not going to waste any time with that.