Casting Storm Armor (sanctified power)

I always thought Storm Armor (and any armor) was semi-passive. You activate it and forget about it until it runs out. Why does it say “casting storm armor” in the sanctified power description? Do you need to keep activating it for the power to proc, or (it looks like to me} the power is sctivated as long as you have Storm Armor on?

The regular automatic thuderstrikes of storm armor won’t proc the sanctified power. To use the sanctified storm armor power, you have to manually cast storm armor. Doing so once it’s fully charge (which takes approximately 30 seconds) will allow storm armor to instantly kill a single non-elite and non-boss enemy. The sanctified storm armor thunder strikes are more whitish in color (along with a greater burst visual effect) in comparison to the ones normally released by storm armor, which are either purplish or bluish in color (depending on the skill rune selected).

Here’s how storm armor thunderstrikes normally look like (Power of the Storm rune):

On the other hand, here’s how the sanctified storm armor thunderstrikes look, when storm armor is manually cast:


I feel like some of these sanctified powers would make awesome legendary powers after the season ends. I would throw this on Storm Crow in a heartbeat.


I just hit the storm armour button when there’s an elite around and the 30sec timer has been reached… I can’t see jack with all those meteors falling… and Low FX is on.

Lol… same! :slight_smile:

The range is 30 yards, by comparison slow time bubble have a 20 yards radius, so it 1.5 times larger than a slow time bubble (or +50% if you’d prefer).

So I just try to be “close enough” of elites and hope for the best! :slight_smile:

Should you clear trash, and save the proc for the elite, or burn it on CD to spawn an occy ring?