Carbot suggestions

Ok, that PVP betting idea is pure genius. Let’s get that in please!


I think all the suggestions are great, they are all winners and only add to the game instead of trying to take things away. Especially the betting of items for duels, that will increase pvp 1000 fold. Also Clans with a shared staff is brilliant, it would immediately make the game so much more approachable for groups of players. As Carbot said, finishing act 4 would be super great, but not likely at all, still that would be a way to add new content without changing the game that’s already there to much.


Stay awhile and listen… to my runeword/cube recipe tutorials.


I seen the video myself, didn’t pay too much attention since PvP isn’t my scene, but I did see an issue with the whole item bet thing. Too easy to abuse, losing players can fake a ping timeout or quit the game before the loss registers. I remember early days of Street Fighter 4, people did this to avoid a loss and Capcom iirc, had to institute if you d/ced during a fight, it would count as a loss.


Yeah I can see that, still would put the pressure and motivation on to be the best before you bet and play.

The in game recipes though, I did pay more attention to, as it is pretty much one of the bigger qols in the community. Thought it was funny how he kept hinting at Cain. Depending on how they did it, still might just be easier to look at Arreat Summit though, or if they do end up switching things up a bit, whatever the new site would be.

4 Seems like a terrible idea IMO. PvP is already the end game of D2 there is no reason to have incentives.

5 I’m a little torn on, I think it’s a great idea but at least for the first season or two I want pure vanilla nostalgia.

The rest I’m very for.

Here’s the thing. I’ve seen another video where they talk about changing things that will really change the feeling of the game, like being able to choose whether your head gear appears or not, this type of look was only achievable with the strength bug. Then there’s the charm only inventory, I don’t like it, the inventory management is part of what makes the game difficult, that includes the gem stacker, none of that is a good idea. The youtuber did a good job talking about all these changes. Blizzard Sent Out A New Diablo 2 Resurrected Beta Survey - Let's Answer it! - YouTube

#1: I like it, but if it isn’t implemented I could just use Arreat Summit or write some tool for myself.
#2: Would love for the clan/guild stuff to be implemented, with all the clan/guild emblems redone for the higher resolution and all.
#3: I’m for PvP Arena actually making it into D2:R, could be a fun idea separate from the main gameplay.
#4: Ehh… if they do implement PvP betting hypothetically (but press x to doubt), they’d have to make sure they make the exchange not exploitable in some way. I’m iffy on this one though.
#5: Again… eh… I like the diversity of the skills, they don’t all have to be good in my opinion. EDIT: The only input I have for this is, I’d like for VV to maybe fix skills that aren’t dealing damage properly or as listed, like inferno for example among other skills, if they could fix those skills, I’d be ok with that.
#6: I wouldn’t particularly be for it, but if they wanted to add it to an new expansion post-release (IF they do any that is) then that’s OK I guess.

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i agree 100% but too bad you cant add something to remaster without adding it in sprite form as well, i think this is the only issue for adding additional content

if you make it for remaster, you also make it for vanilla

the pvp betting system would be totally abused by would be cheaters/scammers.

however. the other things sound nice. I really like the idea of the arena and having actual pvp rules that everyone is forced to follow if they decide to use the arena.

One thought about his suggestion about the recipes and runewords as well as the Act 4 quests…

Have Cain ask you to retrieve a tome from the depths of some new area in Act 4, or even one of the existing areas as a book on a lectern, just like Lam Esen’s Tome. The book contains the runewords and recipes. Throw in a tid bit of side story, once retrieved, you’ll have quick access to all of the recipes and runewords, maybe even a quick rune and materials count to see what you can make.

Two birds, one stone… Well, there’d still be two additional quests to think of. :slight_smile:

oh lol that guy is so great :slightly_smiling_face:
i realy like his ideas except for number 5. For this i more on the neutral side. not bad…not good.

PVP betting is a cool idea, Looks great on paper but does it work in practice?

First person bet Oculus
Second person bet Shako
The winner takes it all.

This could actually draw more people to PVP.
But the only thing I didn’t like was number #5

I thought maybe, Normal Horadric Scroll gives 1/2 of runeword list, for Runes in Range of Normal, Lam Esen’s gives other half.

Do quest in NM, get mid range runewords, Hell, HR RuneWords?

That way you dont bog a new player down with information on BotD, at like lvl 10 lol

I completely agree with all his points.

Nothing wrong with #5.
Having more skill choice = more builds more creativity more fun. As long as they don’t over buff them is what people are afraid of.

Yes to everything except #5. Probably should cap sorb in pvp if people are dueling for items.

I really like the clan idea, but they would need a clan channel as well as the guild building.
So that you can always be in communication with your friends.