Hello there,
I recently started a seasonal Crusader with the Valor build. I finished most of the build in about 2 days (and even already got the Flavor Of Time amulet). Anyhow I still need the Captain Crimson belt. I can either replace the boots or the pants with a Captain Crimson item and I have both plans - they were dropped before I even reached Torment 1. I spent an entire week doing Bounties and Treasure Realms to find the missing recipe.
I looked the problem up online and found several posts adressing it. Regarding to the official patch notes:
Adventure Mode
- Bounties
- Horadric Caches now contain two guaranteed Legendary or Set recipes (if available at your level range)
(Patch 2.3.0 Now Live - Diablo III)
Anyhow I found this thread where the Game Producer Matthew Cederquist stated the following:
Hey CAM!
The plans are working as intended and there’s currently no bug with them. They are a low drop % though, so it might just be a bad case of RNG.
Hope this provides you an answer, a reply, and some help moving forward.
Good luck on your adventures
I was suspicious, but I gave RNGesus a try (and also tried out basically every “solution” brought up by users on the forums).
After countless tries I started counting the bounty runs and I did 200 on Torment 16 aswell as about 10 runs for each other difficulty. I literally spent over 50 hours grinding for a recipe that most people obtain by doing their very first bounties and still didn’t get it, which I find really depressing as it is absolutely essential for any viable build to be honest.
Ignoring the fact that the patch notes state it should be a guaranteed drop, whatever rarity this item has, it’s more than unlikely to not get it after over 300 complete bounty runs (more than 1500 total Horadric Caches).
Even with a drop chance of 1% (0.01) the chance to not get it after over 1500 chests would be 0.99^1500 = 0,0000003 (0,0000000003%) which basically mean a guaranteed drop aswell. Furthermore I cannot imagine the drop rate to be that low as most people get it before even grinding their paragon level. I would really like to see another official statement on this. And please not another “Everything’s going as planned” answer without a precise declaration of the drop rates.