Captain Crimson's Silk Girdle recipe does not drop at all

Hello there,
I recently started a seasonal Crusader with the Valor build. I finished most of the build in about 2 days (and even already got the Flavor Of Time amulet). Anyhow I still need the Captain Crimson belt. I can either replace the boots or the pants with a Captain Crimson item and I have both plans - they were dropped before I even reached Torment 1. I spent an entire week doing Bounties and Treasure Realms to find the missing recipe.
I looked the problem up online and found several posts adressing it. Regarding to the official patch notes:

Adventure Mode

Anyhow I found this thread where the Game Producer Matthew Cederquist stated the following:

Hey CAM!

The plans are working as intended and there’s currently no bug with them. They are a low drop % though, so it might just be a bad case of RNG.

Hope this provides you an answer, a reply, and some help moving forward.

Good luck on your adventures

I was suspicious, but I gave RNGesus a try (and also tried out basically every “solution” brought up by users on the forums).
After countless tries I started counting the bounty runs and I did 200 on Torment 16 aswell as about 10 runs for each other difficulty. I literally spent over 50 hours grinding for a recipe that most people obtain by doing their very first bounties and still didn’t get it, which I find really depressing as it is absolutely essential for any viable build to be honest.
Ignoring the fact that the patch notes state it should be a guaranteed drop, whatever rarity this item has, it’s more than unlikely to not get it after over 300 complete bounty runs (more than 1500 total Horadric Caches).
Even with a drop chance of 1% (0.01) the chance to not get it after over 1500 chests would be 0.99^1500 = 0,0000003 (0,0000000003%) which basically mean a guaranteed drop aswell. Furthermore I cannot imagine the drop rate to be that low as most people get it before even grinding their paragon level. I would really like to see another official statement on this. And please not another “Everything’s going as planned” answer without a precise declaration of the drop rates.


There are two Capt. Crimson plans:
One low level && One level 70.

Each plan has the pants, boots and belt in it.

If like you said you have both plans then you just look under belt in Blacksmith’s plans and it’s there.

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If you search further, it has been fixed a couple of patches ago. It is now working as stated in patch 2.3.0.

As other said, the plan contains recipes of all pieces. Make sure the filter is set to Show All.

To anyone who still has this error: Go to the “Forge Armor” window at the smith and switch through all possible “SHOW” options, then “CLOSE ALL” and “EXPAND ALL”. Suddenly the items show up as intended. I can’t belive a visual bug made me grind bounties over 50 hours…



Nope, not a bug. User error.


PC way of putting it.

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O damn. You spent 50 hours grinding bounties. I am so sorry for your painful experience. Where can I send my condolence gift?