Captain Clegg and Rad'noj in campaign mode

Hi, just one thing I ask you, can I meet this unique risen called “Captain Clegg” and this unique human called “Rad’noj” in the royal crypts also in campaign mode? or do they meet only in adventure mode with bounties? one answer and thanks.

Yes. But, they do not spawn 100% of the time. So, you may need to Leave Game and then Resume Game several times before you encounter them.

Although, it’s easier to complete Achievements, if that’s what you’re trying to do, in Adventure Mode. That’s because you can go anywhere you want in the game at anytime you want.

However, there are a few Achievements that can only be completed in Campaign Mode even if the Bounties or Monsters are available in Adventure Mode. (The two you mention can be done in either Mode).

Bounties in Adventure Mode ARE Events from Campaign Mode.

The only exception are Bounties in Adventure Mode areas that are not in Campaign Mode. Such as The Ruins of Sescheron and Temple of the Firstborn.