Cant wait for the patch note update!

They will finaly buff Impale and necro set those two things they got so much ptr feedback on. Good Times!

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There will be nothing new in the patch notes for DH that we didn’t saw in the PTR already. Impale gets the already announced 100% buff.


New blizz CM responded in the Huge tread about impale feedback about it so yes it will.

Your dreaming mate… When do blizzard ever listen


as if.

He also stated in the 6.26 release date thread in general that patch notes didnt get much change since they had to fix stuff.
Probably the season theme…

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They announced already that they will remove the area damage proc from the season theme and it only didn’t make it into PTR patch 2.
So no season of zbarb as it should be.


theres still the issue zbarbs doing 150s

Rob ran a 150 without any area damage (showed multiple times his charscreen). Doing it just as fine.

The problem more of a sort is probably that there is a huge difference in terms of damage in the differnt proccs. Snowball being op and flamewall being useless.
Also there was some issue with the seasontheme no more being active a few days ago. They probably needed time to fix this asap and had no more time to change the patchnotes

The CM promised nothing there.

“Thanks for the discussion on this - Highlighted this over to the team.”

Team muhahahahaaaa

The blue CM has said there is no change in the patch notes from the last round of PTR as they had to prioritize bug fixes.

People expecting further changes from the last round of PTR to the patch notes are going to be disappointed.


Changing one digit from 1 to 2 (100% to 200%) does not take much effort.


Did you even bother to read what they said yeaterday?

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You are absolutely right about that but I imagine it’s still not as easy to make changes. Blizzard must have strickt protocols that have to be followed like testing any changes for a certain ammount of time. And if the D3 “team” inclusive the QA is behind in the schedule they won’t do too much changes even it seems easy.

(It is another topic though how well those changes are tested. Looking at you GoD set at first release )

changing one digit is what typhoons veil easily couldve needed. And it didnt get it too.

Im pretty sure the necro set stays where it is. As bad as it is.

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What a pity they had to spend all their time on that stupid copycat theme

I lost my hope on the necro when they announced the 2nd ptr

I am just curious on their state of mind for releasing significantly underpowered sets for necro and wizard

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Prioritizing fixing mistakes you caused during to buggy new themes you created that poorly mimic old themes…oh brother.

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I’m excited to see the patch notes update too. There was feedback/suggestions about a little more love to DH HPS, and both Necro’s Masquerade and Pestilence needing some too. Hopefully they did something about it.


You must be new here. ;(

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They did fix WW barb after community feedback. And they have made changes before in the final patch note. I am just hopefully optimistic :slight_smile:

Right there is the key word.