Cant see the gem upgrader place in act 2

Im playing diablo 3 with my friend and we just got too act 2, and for him there is an place where he can upgrade his gems but for me there isnt?

Not a bug.

You’re playing Campaign mode and you haven’t rescued Shen yet (while your friend has).

A workaround would be to play Adventure mode if you have the Reaper of Souls expansion… where all these « features Â» and more are already unlocked.

Or just keep going… and you’ll encounter Shen before the end of Act 2.

Good luck in your games !


Or ask someone for taxi to campaign Last boss fight, it makes you have unlocked everything in a minute.

It’s easier and faster to change the Game Settings to Adventure Mode and start a game. You can then immediately Leave Game, change the Game Settings back to Campaign Mode and pick up where you left off in the Campaign Quests. You will have all your Followers and Artisans. (As @Boubou mentioned).

You could even take the time, while you’re in Adventure Mode, to go to Act III/Ruins of Sescheron/Elder Sanctum and retrieve Kanai’s Cube. Hopefully, you’ve stashed some Legendary items (Weapon, Armor and Jewelry) that you can Extract the Powers from and equip in the Cube before returning to Campaign Mode.

(Any Cube Powers you equip in Adventure Mode stay with you in Campaign Mode).


It is no longer necessary to kill Malthael in order to unlock Adventure Mode. They removed that requirement for Non Season a while ago.