Can't kill duriel/load screen takes forever

I just tried to kill duriel, and I was immediately dead by the time my screen loaded in the room. Does this happen to anyone else? If you got past it how did you? Should I just level a bunch and see if I can make it past the load screen? :sweat_smile:


Go and ask on the D2R forums…

Same here. Im just leveling. Or hoping my friends catch up to me so they can take the hits until i can load in lol

i’ve been having the same issue. hope they can fix this soon

Yup this is absolutely frustrating, as i tought they fixed this (maybe for pc only). Had same issue so many times, luckly been matched with summoner necro so made it finally.

Unfortunately this is not a bug, this is hardware limitations from Xbox one and ps4. The unfortunate reality is you’ll need to move up to current gen.

I load into duriels tomb no problem on series x and every post I see about this is from a ps4 / xb1 user