Cant do rollback

I am trying to do ROLLBACK for the first time . I have lost every heroes and quest progress .
Played many hours to get max level with different heroes passed every quest.
This is nightmare to me ! I am stuck to bed after hospital and when i saw this , it make me crazy , because i only play DIABLO games all my life. PLEASE HELP ME OUT !

US Server Career Page - 2 level 1 heroes
EU Server Career Page - 1 level 70 hero, 1 level 44 hero



Hey Meteorblade !!!
Thank you very much for helping me out !!!
I have tried to change region in first time when i was searching to resolve this issue over the internet , but nothing . Tried to ROLLBACK , again nothing.
Now after you reply to my post , tried again to euro region and my game is back!
I have no words to thank you … :wink:


I’m trying to request the rollback to the last option that appears in the image (1/14/2022 - 12 Heroes - 36,336,599,386 Gold - 0 Match), but this error appears (Could not revert. Please try again later.), I tested this morning, this afternoon and now this evening, I’ve been trying since 01/15/22 and in all attempts the same error appeared, my region is the Americas and I’m selecting it.
thank you for the attention