Can't do DPS w/Epiphany num-locked

So, when num-locking ‘Epiphany - Desert Shroud’ and, coming out of CD, I no longer get damage bonuses(dps bottoms out)unless I stop and let it auto-activate again. This should not be the case as ‘Desert Shroud’ is for damage reduction.

You realize that “num-locking” Skills is unintentional and considered an exploit? Technically, this goes against Blizzard’s ToS.

Currently, Blizzard is “on the fence” as to whether or not they will enforce it. In the meantime, players that use it should be glad they’re not getting banned for it. But, I doubt they will “fix” it…   except maybe disabling it altogether.

Blizz has said num locking is fine. It’s not an exploit.

Epiphany (or any other num locked skill) won’t re-cast while channeling another skill, eg: if channeling Tempest Rush.

You need to either stop casting for a moment, or cast a skill that interrupts the channel. At which point, Epiphany will kick back in again.

Citation required. Got a link to that?

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It was discussed at length, pretty sure it was on the old forum though.

Basic premise was that it wasn’t a true automation as such, it was still only one button, one press. It wasn’t casting skills at a particular time, in a particular order, scripted like people assume Bazooka’s are doing with macro’s.

EDIT - Macro is the word I couldn’t think of. :man_facepalming: :rofl:

Yes, num-locking is not an exploit. That was silly.

At @Pheonix…Yeah, I was stopping momentarily. The problem was not getting Epihany to kick in but, that my dps is being dependent on activating it, which I would assume should not happen as that rune is meant for teleporting and, damage reduction, not dps. Thus, dps should continue whether or not that rune is activated.

I’ve not looked too much into it, maybe something to do with the melee attacks line on the epiphany skill?

Or maybe your stacks had dropped off so it felt like you weren’t doing as much dps?

Well, the thing is once I stop and Epiphany re-activates, the dps suddenly kicks in. I’m usually running non-stop from one pack to the next so, the buff shouldn’t drop off that much though, if they do drop off at times, why would my damage suddenly jump back up once I activate Epihany? I’ll look at stacks but, it still seems strange that the dps would suddenly jump with activation of this rune.

Maybe it is something to do with the melee part of the epiphany skill.

Can’t really give you an answer as I don’t play a lot of monk. I just knew about the num locked skill won’t trigger when you are channeling a skill lol

It dont work until your channeling skill is released. I tried main move buttons and 1 2 3 4 buttons it still dont work.

It’s always been that way with channeled skills, not just TR. While channeling any num locked ability will be put on hold, which is why zmonks tap their tsunami, etc. Regardless, you shouldnt be numlocking epiphany? Its super easy to maintain without it,