Can't access CR 151

I just made an account to say that i to suffer from this console bug

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Same problem here on the switch version. I was hoping that this would be resolved before CR 152.


Guess we’re not getting a Challenge Rift this week… sucks! :frowning:

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Same here, on Switch. We lost CR 151 and it seems we’re going to lose CR 152. If it still persists when starting a new Season, it’s going to be a slow start.

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Thanks, Blizzard. Great support und great communication.

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Just an update on this - We have tickets in on this and the devs are actively looking into the issue.

Sorry for the delay! Forum account just went live on Friday afternoon but a ticket went in this weekend.


Thanks for the response (albeit a bit late), but so far we already lost a Challenge Rift (CR 151). Anything in mind to compensate that?


Welcome aboard! Thanks for letting us know what’s going on.

As soon as I have an update, I will update this thread. Thanks for the patience and apologize the response came in a bit late!

(These are officially my first posts before my welcome posts!)


You realize this is still happening, right? CR 152 isn’t available, either


Would be nice if, after we end up able to do 152, we get 2 caches for it.

Cache me outside, how about that?


Thanks for the update!

Welcome to the forums…with a Lead and two CM’s coming on board we console players may look forward to your assistance with a little more interaction than previously given there are more of you.

Would be nice to read an intro for you and the others.

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I had the same problem last week (CR 151), and seems that I will have the same this week (CR 152). Only shows “Challenge Rift 150 has ended”. It’s happening on console (Xbox One).

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crickets crickets

Looks to be a bit of a bigger issue but based off some updates, I believe they are close.

Will update once this is finalized and good to go. Apologies for the delay on this everyone.


Have there been any murmurs of hooking us up with 2x caches?

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@PezRadar Onofficial welcome Adam! I know you are going to be one of the management leads and look forward to your welcome post for super official offerings of coffee/cookies.

THANK you for helping the Console community. This group has felt very very very ignored for a long time.


Mmmm…candy dispensing CM. :slight_smile:

Is there any update for this? Issue still exists for switch console games. Still stuck on CR 150 so we missed CR’s 151 and now 152.