Can you see yourself on the leaderboards?

I’m not talking about that one page full of GR150 robots who cleared it in a few minutes, but I mean like, can I see myself against other people? Like a rank of some kind? I heard someone mention they were in the Top 500 or something for something and I dunno if some of my runs would have been up there somewhere.


They could have been talking about the Weekly Challenge Rift, as these also do have a Leaderboard.

You simply open the Leaderboards Window where you can also find the Leaderboards for Greater Rifts and on the left you can also find the Leaderboards for the Weekly Challenge Rift.

Oh okay im not that good yet, I was thinking of seeing who has a good GR 90 record ahahaha

You never will. Bots have over run the boards.

Monk with very close 6K PARAGON as of today!!! 465 hours 9 min Hours played on that character! I think you can do the math and see that this bot has been nearly running 24/7 since the beginning of the season!! Nuff said on that. Blizz clearly indifferent towards this for some reason.

Second, the rift is also based on speed and not necessarily how much they killed in the rift. High speed Running through the rift warp speed ignoring the vast majority of enemies just hunting pylons for elites should not be the only criteria lol. There needs to be a balance to be honest. How efficient are you? How much did you kill other than elites! Just sayin…

How about completing rifts without touching a pylon!!! (how do ya like me now lol)

It would be hard to rank actual players unless you know its an actual person playing lol.


That you can’t do. You only see top clears for any player on their profile in game and to make the list you need to be in the top 1000.

465 hours/33 days the season have been active is 14 hours a day. That’s a lot, but by no means impossible to do legit.


Aw thats genuinely poop but I suppose I’m happy enough playing to not be too mindful of these botters. I love just opening new boxes and wondering what might fall out.

For example, two nights ago or so, I did a Rift, just a normal one and got 2 primals out of it. Primals were no good for my current seasonal character but I was stoked :stuck_out_tongue:
Well thanks for the replies anyway folks, I was just wondering if maybe I had done a stellar performance at GR90 but I guess I’ll never really know, or any other GR levels against people who are human like me hahaha

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Actually you can place easily in Leaderboards if you want to. Just play the Sets that no one pushes with. Not so hard to be in the Top 1000 for Natalyas set f.e. I’m in the N6 LB for Season 24 :DD with an Anathema Grenade Build.


I can see myself but I don’t care to or try hard (or at all, actually.) I just play. If that means I get earmarked, whoopie.

Yep, something like that. Yesterday for example, the S25 board for Delsere Magnum Opus on HC had less than 30 people in it :rofl: .

In-game there’s an option to filter clear times against your region,your clan or your friends… If you’ve got friends who you like to play with and against, that might be a more fun way to do things.


Finally someone like me who does the game as it should and have fun with small things.
I already knew when i started this silly game i never will end in the top 50,000,000 ever.
It is all about the botters and the people who get payed and have rigged drops we never EVER get.
So i do my thing and never care about anything else and try to have fun with characters who can do FUN things like the DH marauder who anyone can get up to around level 120 GR
Or have massive fun by playing the good ol DH GoD which fly through the rifts and low GR just having fun. Sadly they cripled it almost to death so no more high GR for this fun character.
The rest i do not care about at all, since i entered the game.
I will never leave my dead guild either because multi play is again way too much competition as your “mates” keep the drops which would help you become stronger than them and scrap them if they can not play it.
So i had enough from this sad people thinking that is the proper way todo.

That is how a lot people play the game. Elites, Pylons & kill RG. That is the criteria in the game today. WOW that was fun lets do it again. It doesn’t matter what they do warp speed everything Rifts, GR’s, Bounties, Vault & Cow LvL. If you not doing that you are not playing the game right.