Will the Story Mode have any differences compared to non-season? For example, I don’t see how Zoltun Kulle and his cube could be there and not wreck the story. But what about any seasonal item drops like Ethereals, Visions of Enmity, Altar, etc.?
The main goal is to have a character who plays through the entire story mode, but then can enjoy the seasonal content right away.
Yes, the campaign is available during season. There’s occasionally a Conquest to run the entire thing in under an hour at Torment X (or higher). The cube itself isn’t available but if you’ve assigned powers via the cube they’ll be active for your toon.
You start outside New Tristram and have to play thru… no skipping chapters, etc. but you can repeat them. This is sometimes done to hunt for Chilltara for the Gibbering Gemstone to complete the Staff of Herding.
As I remember Cube isn’t available and Zoltun Kulle is not in the town square, yet you have the Cube related powers listed on your character sheet. You just can not change Cube powers while you are playing Campaign mode and can’t access the places that are added with the Necromancer DLC.
Ah I see - but of course in order to have the cube and assign those powers in the first place, I would need to visit the Adventure Mode and sacrifice the relevant items, right? Or would those already exist from another character that I have in the Season?
Regardless of the cube, this all seems nice, I will do that.
That is NOT correct. You can run this Conquest on Normal Difficulty. It DOES NOT have to be done on ANY Torment Difficulty.
“At max level” means you must be Character Level 70.
If your Alternate Character is in the same Game Mode as your Main Character then yes, any Powers you extracted in Kanai’s Cube are shared.
Seasonal Characters and Solo Seasonal Characters are considered separate Game Modes. The same as Normal Characters and Hardcore Characters.
And, in case I misunderstood you, NO, Cube Powers from non-Season are not there in Seasons. During the Season it’s best just to Extract what you need for your build. The rest is just to complete the 2 Season Objectives to Extract 20 and 40 Powers.
Any Powers you Extract during a Season will transfer to your non-Season Cube at the end of the Season. (If you haven’t already filled up your non-Season Cube for all Classes).