Can we get the option to completely reset a game mode?

Everything on the account for a specific game mode (SSF, Seasonal, Eternal, etc.) would be deleted/reset–all characters, gold, materials, Altar progression, etc. I like simulating what a season start would be like to test different things, but I can only do it once per game mode per season. I can snapshot the starting values for everything and just keep track but it would be easier to just have a reset button.

I realize the game is no longer in development, but just thought I’d throw this idea out there just in case!


I do have a secondary account for this, but what most people can do is go to another server. That is, you have Asia, EU, and Americas. Leave one of the modes untouched.

True, you can only do a true fresh start so many times, but you also have the option of only unlocking the first two nodes. The first node is easy enough to unlock at the very beginning of the season, and the second node, you just need to be cognizant of your materials, and what needs to be done.

Granted, it’s not perfect. You’ll need to add roughly 5 minutes of intangibles. This needs to be done during a season though, where you can simulate the upcoming season (just don’t use that season’s power during leveling).

And then just be aware you don’t exceed material amounts and gold amounts. This is where most practice runs you see online fail miserably, and why many practice runs you see online tend to be half an hour (or more) faster than the persons’ actual season start runs.

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And during a season you have SC/HC, SSFM SC/HC. Basically, you can have 12 fresh starts with 1 account.

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I didn’t know this was a thing people did, where they simulate season starts because seasons don’t happen often enough for them.

I don’t think that would be for me, but at least I learned something today. Have a like for broadening my horizons.

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…and if you want to get to the maximum amount of stash tabs (that your account allows) faster, “just” do two season journeys in one season - normal mode and SSF mode! 2for1!!! If that is not a bargain. :wink: Too bad I already had full numbers in all three regions before that became possible…


Quite a few people enjoy the Season Start race, including myself.

And for that, practice is necessary here. Strategy can only take you so far. You need to get muscle memory down as well.

The secret really to leveling quickly at the season start is not your strategy. It’s not wasting time. Even rifts, the slowest possible way to level, take only a couple hours if you’re gung ho about it. But most people still take 4+ hours to level. And it’s mainly because of dead time.

If you want to be competitive for the Season Start (i.e. be one of the first 10 people to 70, be one of the first people on the Achievement Leaderboards, etc.), you need to practice a little.

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I like this idea as someone who is super overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff ive accumulated over the years in non-season after season reset. I need more character slots hah.

i play seasons for the first couple weeks, its where all the dopamine is for me i guess.
then I have to wait a few months to play again, for like 2 weeks before a new season I start working out my routine, and planning around the theme effects/altar and run countless rollout runs to like lvl 20ish to see how fast i can get it down.
I can do this for hours, but put in a speed GR farm to level a gem of ease and I instantly start falling asleep… because there is no progression to be had in a gearing sitation… which is how the end game starts to feel… useable drops get rarer and rarer… leveling feels good because you keep getting more tangible power. Also noone has done a 150 yet, and with them finally adding SSF mode I can get on the “no-set” leaderboard with some goofy builds and actually stay on there for awhile… never bought D4, never planned on it. Maybe its the gen-X in me to be able to enjoy a game over the years w/o it needing constant changes. games w/o FOMO are easier to pick up and put down at will.