Can No Longer Launch D3 on M1 Mac

After clicking on PLAY in, Data Error pops up and cannot proceed. Ran scan and repair which did not help. This started sometime in the last 2 weeks. Can no longer play.


Hey Hangnail,

May I ask what data error and operating system you are running?

I run Diablo 3 on an M1 iMac with Monterey 12.7.3 (just updated to 12.7.3, it ran decent on 12.7.2, will play more with it on 12.7.3 today and see how it is).

My first thought is that it’s a permissions issue, which is a long standing issue with Diablo III and the macOS operating systems. Through out the years of playing Diablo 3 I have learned fixes for the Mac and I have to preface this by giving a nod to the others who have helped before :). I’m not sure about Ventura and Sonoma, but as far as Monterey:

Try these steps to fix the permissions on the “Diablo III” folder: On a macOS administrator account (I’ve always played Diablo 3 on an administrator account) do the following:

Before the steps below, make sure that Diablo III and applications are NOT running.

1.) While the Finder is active, go to Go menu > Applications > Select the “Diablo III” folder

2.) While the “Diablo III” folder is selected, get info on it by going to the File menu in the Finder > Get Info

3.) With the “Diablo III Info” window active, open Sharing & Permissions drop down (do this only if the Sharing and Permissions drop down is not already open), and click on the lock at the bottom right.

4.) When you click on the lock at the bottom right, a dialogue prompt will come up stating “Finder wants to change permissions on “Diablo III”. Then authenticate with your password and click the “OK” button.

5.) Make sure that all “Names” in the Sharing & Permissions drop down for the “Diablo III” folder has their “Privilege” set to “Read & Write”, then click the drop down button underneath that has 3 dots in a circle and select “Apply to enclosed items…”, another dialogue box comes up asking if you are sure you want to apply this action, then click “OK”. For example: I have three “Names”: my account name, admin, and everyone. The most important “Name” to do this step on is “everyone”.

6.) Now do the same process on the “” folder. While the Finder is active, go to Go Menu > Computer > open the volume where you play Diablo III from, its usually titled Macintosh HD > Users > Shared

7.) Select the “” folder in the Shared folder and repeat the process in step 5 above, but for the “” folder.

8.) Close all windows in the Finder, then open the “Applications” folder, and open “” application.

9.) Do a “Scan and Repair” on Diablo III and WAIT for it to completely finish before you click the “Play” button. Also, whenever Diablo III is updated, WAIT for it to completely update, before clicking the “Play” button. Waiting for completion before playing helps ensure that there isn’t any data corruption with the game files. I have had to reset the permissions like this on the “Diablo III” and “” folders after every update to the macOS operating system, and you may have to as well.

10.) Play the game and enjoy!

If you have more issues, let me know, I’ll do my best to help out.

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Wow, thank you for the detailed response ! I am up and running. Everything was set to read and write, still followed instructions and I can now play. // For the record, I am on an M1 iMac OS Sonoma 14.3

You are very welcome! Glad to hear you are slaying demons and saving Sanctuary again :slight_smile:

I have the same issue. Nothing seems to work!

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D3 running great on my 16" M1 MacBook Pro with Sonoma. The public test realm will be mostly for testing on Macintosh computers. I suggests you all get set to run the Public Test Realm - WHEN it becomes available… they are now working on it. testing was supposed to start on the 18th… (16gb memory, 1TB ssd)

FYI, PTR now open to try - mostly for Macintosh users