Can no longer get through timed rift solo after much success

My wife and I have been playing Diablo 3 for years. We are currently at level Torment 12. We’ve solo’ed the timed rift up to level 70. Now I casn solo level 80 with my Demon Hunter, but my wife can’t do sufficient damage to any creatures to even come close to getting through rift level 75 much less level 80. Nothing has changed except her selected rift level. Is this normal? Thanks! My wife’s battle tag is jawbone#1463…

Edit: I just checked my wife’s gear and she has the ring of royal grandeur in a cube slot. She has The proper number of gear set items equipped. I will let her check her spell and rune sets as well as her Legendary gems. She is far more careful and thorough than I am in swapping out gear. The problem ‘seemed’ to occur after she found a primal version of her main weapon (flail - her character is Crusader).

Edit:My wife will make the suggested cube changes. She has used those before. With the help of you guys we can now go look at previous builds and see if she needs to tweak things.

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Please, edit your post (the pencil tool under your post) and remove the e-mail address…

This forum is public and anyone with internet access can read it.

Instead pls provide her battletag if she is playing on a PC.
If she is playing on a console, then post in one of the Console categories.


After 12 years on this forum, I am going to say yes. This type of thread is brought to the forums fairly regularly.

Without being able to see your wife’s setup, I am figuring she changed something in her build and now it is broken. Check all her gear and skills and see if she changed something. Common errors players make are breaking their 6 piece set bonus. Either by going from 6 to 5 by changing a set piece to regular piece of gear, or have 5 pieces with RoRG and then switching RoRG with something else. It could also be changing/not using the correct Legendary gems, or maybe accidentally changed out a key skill.

I would help troubleshot, but I cannot see your wife’s build.


Another common issue is rolling off the Damage range on a weapon at the Mystic.
Yes, please remove the email address.


Thanks, Alexismad!
We have looked at the possible causes you have mentioned, as we have both made those mistakes before. We will look through her gear and spells again and see if she’s missed anything. Too bad there isn’t a change log! Thanks again!

Is your wife’s battle tag correct? I can’t find any profile with jawbone#1463

Edit: a stupid error from my part…

jawbone#1463 - I just verified I could message that battle tag from my logon. Perhaps we have set security so we are hidden. Do I have to have Diablo 3 up and running for you to see?

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No. A player’s Armory Profile is available whether they’re in-game or not.

Here is your Americas Region Seasonal Demon Hunter:

Here is your wife’s Americas Region Seasonal Crusader:

Note: The URL for a player’s Armory Profile uses the dash character instead of the pound sign.

For example: Your wife’s BattleTag is jawbone#1463. But, in the Armory Profile URL it should be jawbone-1463.


So after my error…

Did your wife change powers in the cube? I don’t see Darklight or Khassett’s Cord Of Righteousness in the cube, which are essential elements

Nia nia nia :stuck_out_tongue:


thanks. That’s going to be useful for me.

Edit: My wife made the suggested changes to her cube configuration and a few tweaks to her equipped gear and we are back in business. Thanks for all the suggestions!