Pretty disingenuous, to say the only people who want personal loot, are cheaters and noobs.
I’m sure you think statements like this are proving your argument but they actually have the opposite effect.
Pretty disingenuous, to say the only people who want personal loot, are cheaters and noobs.
I’m sure you think statements like this are proving your argument but they actually have the opposite effect.
well im playing d2 right now on a wind druid, and im fully geared.
I can see the positives of personal loot though and im not a “noob” or a “cheater”
so this is my chain of thought
when i hunt with bots in d2 (most games are bots) - they loot so fast that I dont even see the item names just a flash of color
d3 wow , and all other IPs of blizzard still have bots - d2R will be no diffrent
even the people not full on botting, some will run auto pick scripts (that are very hard to detect and just look like fast humans)
the solution to this problem (which is MAJOR), is personal loot
can you give a good argument against this? - i dunno im happy to have free for all if bots where not a problem (which they always will be)
Personal loot replaces all the bot and dupe loot you have been enjoying for years!
Trust me back in the day if you did not bot you did not have anything! It was honestly two camps. People who had near everything and people who had nothing except a few decent to bad items.
The real game was non ladder because thats where the old rune words from odler ver were from…
also it takes a few hours to get to level 80+ then you just start farming. This game is very simple and basic unless your playing hardcore… Being a noob at what not clicking faster then someone? ROFL
Blizz open this can of worms themselves by stating they were open to feedback and now a not so secret survey. Which normaly isn’t a bad thing. But in this case where you stated a remaster not a remake. This whole situation is their fault. So now the community thinks anything is possible.
D2R can be both a remaster and a remake. Having a remake option does not exclude that a D2R variant is faithful to authentic D2 for better or worse.
My take on the survey is that a number of additional optional changes are under consideration (some seriously and some others may be not so seriously). Blizzard was very clear in that they would listen to player feedback about potential changes.
i just filled out the survey and took screen shots of every page so people can look at it if they want too
Thank you. I liked that Blizzard is at least asking the questions.
you’re refunding because of a third party survey? ok bye.
D2R will still be good even if some of those proposed changes from the Blizzard survey make it in. I’m very confident that the foundations of Diablo 2 are strong enough so that it will not simply melt away in the face of a few QoL and balance changes.
As long as VV tries to maintain the spirit of the original game, D2R will still be good. And they know that they have to, because Diablo 4’s success in part is riding on their ability to restore faith in the long forsaken Diablo 2 community.
Inventory and stash increases are a GOOD change. Seriously, you wanted to run back to the town every 5 minutes?
I never heard of any runeword or mercenary changes. The last info on the game came from that video interview. If there was anything new since then, I have yet to see it anywhere.
New items, new runewords… again, a GOOD thing. The old game have relatively few unique items, and they didn’t have that many super unique characteristics. I for one am glad they are there- but hey, if you hate the idea, just don’t use them?
Seasons? Last I checked Diablo II had no seasons. Then again I never cared about multiplayer. My information was the game had ladders, whatever those were.
Tooltips, kill trackers… again, how is MORE information and a better UI a bad thing?
You must have hated Diablo II too I guess when it came out. How did they DARE to add skills on trees for each class, instead of spells any class can learn? How DARE they add a run button? You are so deluded you don’t understand what improvement means.
There is much new that has been reported in the press from Blizzard D2R interviews post Blizzconline. In addition, Blizzard themselves are seeking information that falls outside the few optional QoL changes announced at Blizzcon.
I never enjoyed bots. That was you. Dont try to play the victim here. You clearly stated without bots people cant get loot.
Its funny how could i get everything without bots.
Again this comes from someone who told that the only way to get loot is trough bots. The only reason you want personal loot is that you can also freely leech in public games when you play and not your bot.
I can. To remove bot users is the job of Blizz. I better report all of the boter and getting banned them 1 by 1 instead of watch how the game is filling up with useless noob leechers.
your “argument” is an excellent one, I stand corrected Sir and take my hat off too you, You have Truly bashed everything iv said out of the water old chap, I don’t know how you have come up with such an ingenious Counter argument to my claims, BRAVO, Iv changed my mind completely
Its simple. If someone is using a bot that players is bannable. If someone leeching that is not bannable so he stays in the game. So with who do you want to fight. With couple hundered bot users or couple million noobs who is just leeching in game?
your new argument is Hyperbole? and im supposed to give you a serious reply back ?
like 1 million noobs are really gonna be trucking around leeching…
The biggest problem, the thing we need to combat is 100% bots not noobs.
Noobs wont ruin d2R bots will.
Then you clearly never played d2 in its prime time cus all the games was full with noobs. Who dont do anything. No dmg, no tele, hiding at pillars etc etc. And if personal loot comes the same thing going to happen. You going to se faaaaaar more noobs who just leeching and getting also loot for it. And weekly you going to see a bot in 1 game. Bohooooo i cant even decide what is bigger problem.
imagine how much more annoying a noob with a looting script on will be, stealing all your rares, and leaching your xp. at least with personal loot hypothetical leachers cant steal all your drop
they could even trial , the highest damge dealer gets higher priority loot, to encourage everyone to kill
I was with you till
"more endgame, new items and runewords. "
dont become a self parody other then that I agree but I wont refund until I actually see them announce a giant change
mate, do you understand that there are literal bots that will loot for you?
so you can play normally and just out loot every person near you (even if you are a low level) … you have NO CHANCE of loot in these situations.
and sure here is a thread complaining about it in eso
obviously dont work very well in a mmo because of needing tanks and healers, but when everyone’s a DPS it has more potential. but tbh im just countering your arguments i dont actually want this to happen.
I have a feeling your unable to change your opinions though so , unfortunately this will be my last reply to you.
im not going to waste my time trying to change your mind, im happy with my arguments, and reasoning and im sure you brandishing noob as a weapon will win you many arguments in the future